Beiträge zum Stichwort ‘ Simpson ’
Harvard, Oxford und Comillas sind Weltmeister 2018
Die englischsprachige Weltmeisterschaft im Hochschuldebattieren (World Universities Debating Championship - WUDC) 2018 in Mexiko, die vom 28.12.17-04.01.18 ausgetragen wurde, ist vorüber und die Gewinner der drei Sprachkategorien stehen fest. Open Champion ist Harvard, ESL-Champion ist Oxford und EFL-Champion ist Comillas. Die Finals fanden im historischen Teatro de la Ciudad Esperanza Iris im Zentrum Mexiko-Stadts statt.
[caption id="attachment_33275" align="alignright" width="400"] Das Open Final - © Jacky Hsinghsien Chang Chow[/caption]
Das Team Harvard A (Danny DeBois, Archie Hall) gewann das Open Final als eröffenende Regierung zum Thema "This house would rather save the life of a single child, over extending the life of 5 ...
8. Januar 2018 |
Redakteur: Lennart Lokstein |
Kategorie: International, Turniere |
Kommentare deaktiviert für Harvard, Oxford und Comillas sind Weltmeister 2018
WUDC 2018 – Der Break
Wie jedes Jahr fand zum Jahreswechsel die englischsprachige Weltmeisterschaft im Debattieren (World Universities Debating Championship - WUDC) statt. Der Austragungsort war Mexiko-Stadt. Das Turnier begann am 27.12.17 und endete am 04.01.18. Nach neun Vorrunden standen am Silvesterabend die in die KO-Runden breakenden Teams fest. Auf der WUDC treten Teams in drei Sprachkategorien an, EPL (English as a Proficient Language), ESL (English as a Second Language) und EFL (English as a Foreign Language). EPL-klassifizierende Teams können lediglich im offenen Break weiterkommen, ESL-Teams je nach Ranking im offenen Break oder im ESL-Break und EFL-Teams je nach Ranking in einem der drei Breaks. ...
7. Januar 2018 |
Redakteur: Jan-Gunther Gosselke |
Kategorie: International, Turniere |
mit 2 Kommentaren
„I took the first step“: Interview with Worlds Tab Master Jakob Reiter
Worlds are over, but some questions remain. Why was there a delay during the preliminary rounds every day? Did Tabbie2 malfunction at any time? Or were the adjudicator scores lost? Worlds Tab Master Jakob Reiter from DK Wien talked to Achte Minute about tabbing the biggest international tournament, his software Tabbie2, and other technical details.
Achte Minute: Dear Jakob, you were one of the Tab Masters at the World University Debating Championships in Thessaloniki. How do you feel after this tournament?
Jakob: I am really happy I had the opportunity to be the Tab Master. It is always a great challenge to ...
13. Januar 2016 |
Redakteur: Saskia Höfer |
Kategorie: International, Menschen, Mittwochs-Feature |
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European Universities Debating Championships in Vienna
This summer, about 1000 people will travel to Vienna for the 17th European Universities Debating Championships (EUDC or Euros). The Debattierklub Wien (DK Wien) hosts the week-long tournament. Stefan Zweiker is the convener, overseeing 23 other members of the organising committee and international volunteers.One year after and 267 kilometres to the north of Zagreb EUDC, the championship is again up for grabs. Until then, Sheffield holds the title; in the category of English as a Second Language (ESL), the current champions are from Belgrade.The Blue Danube Euros, as the organisers call them, will last from August 2-8.The Chief Adjudicators (CAs) ...
9. Juni 2015 |
Redakteur: Achte Minute |
Kategorie: International, Neues aus den Clubs, Termine, Turniere |
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Vienna EUDC 2015: Call for international volunteers
The Organising Committee (OrgCom) of the European Universities Debating Championships (EUDC or Euros) 2015 in Vienna published their call for international volunteers. Everyone can apply to support the existing crew and be part of the this year's EUDC.Stage one of the application process consists in reading the International Crew Recruitment Guideline and filling out the International Crew Recruitment Survey. In stage two beginning in mid-April, the OrgCom will contact the applicants if they have questions or need their expertise and knowledge. Stage three is the tournament itself.Everyone can apply for being an international volunteer - the OrgCom emphasizes that age, ...
26. Januar 2015 |
Redakteur: Achte Minute |
Kategorie: Ausschreibung, International, Turniere |
Kommentare deaktiviert für Vienna EUDC 2015: Call for international volunteers
Lund IV 2014
The Lund Debate Society invites debaters to Sweden for its Lund IV 2014. The tournament will feature five preliminary rounds and a break into quarterfinals as well as a novice final. The organisers advertise the competition via the Facebook event, highlighting the 4-star hotel accommodation, the breakfast buffet, and the fact that the out rounds will take place in the hotel.
The Chief Adjudicators (CAs) of Lund IV will be a team of four debaters:
Ashish Kumar was champion of the European University Debating Championships (EUDC) in 2013 and Deputy Chief Adjudicator (DCA) of Zagreb EUDC 2014.
Madeline Schultz won the Australasian Intervarsity ...
28. Oktober 2014 |
Redakteur: Jonas Huggins |
Kategorie: International, Termine, Turniere |
Kommentare deaktiviert für Lund IV 2014
EUDC 2014 – Winners and Top Speakers
The European Universities Debate Champions 2014 have been announced. In the category English as a Second Language, Stefan Siridzanski and Helena Ivanov from Belgrade B in Opening Opposition won the debate with the motion „This house would, assuming it was technically feasible, remove the ability of soldiers to feel fear.”
In the Open final, Adam Hawksbee and Matthew Willmore from Sheffield A in Closing Opposition were able to beat their competitors in a debate with the motion „This house believes that the feminist movement should oppose military interventions that claim to further women's rights.”
[caption id="attachment_24372" align="alignright" width="240"] Venue of the Open and ESL ...
24. August 2014 |
Redakteur: Nikos Bosse |
Kategorie: International, Turniere |
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Zagreb EUDC 2014 – Open and ESL break
The break of the European Universities Debating Championship 2014 in Zagreb has been announced. The following teams will compete in the out-rounds on the 22nd of August (data might be inaccurate):
Open Break
23: Cambridge C
22: Oxford B
21: Cambridge B
21: Oxford A
21: GUU A
20: Cambridge A
20: Oxford C
19: Edinburgh A
19: LSE A
19: Sheffield A
19: Durham B
19: KCL A
19: Hebrew A
19: Nottingham A
19: Durham C
18: BPP A
ESL Break
19: Hebrew A
18; Belgrade B
18: Lund A
18: Tartu A
18: Berlin A
17: Tel Aviv B
17: Leiden A
17: Bucharest A
17: BBU A
17: Tilbury House A
17: Mannheim A
17: ELTE A
17 BGU A
16: Belgrade A
16: Tel Aviv A
16: tie of ...
Oxford IV 2014
Editor's note: International registration is now open and can be accessed through the registration form on the Oxford IV homepage.
From the 14th to the 15th November 2014, Molly McParland and Jamie Jackson of the Oxford Union will organise the annual Oxford IV in England. For international participants, the tournament offers a program already starting on Thursday the 13th November. The program comprises the Oxford Union Debate and an International Social on Thursday evening as well as a tour of Oxford and debating workshops on Friday.
The tournament will feature five preliminary rounds with seven minute speeches, quarter- and semi-finals and a ...
29. Juli 2014 |
Redakteur: Nikos Bosse |
Kategorie: International, Neues aus den Clubs, Termine, Turniere |
Kommentare deaktiviert für Oxford IV 2014
DCAs for Vienna EUDC 2015 announced
The Adjudication team of the European Universities Debating Championships (EUDC) 2015 in Vienna, Austria, is now complete as the hosts have released the names of the three deputy chief adjudicators. Gavin Illsley, Emilia Carlqvist and Amanda Moorghen will join the Chief Adjudicators (CAs) Christine Simpson and Michael Shapira. Together, the five will set the motions for the tournament, set up the judging panels and select independent adjudicator for Euros.
Gavin Illsley has won Euros in 2006 and has judged two finals of the World Universities Debating Championships (WUDC). Emilia Carlqvist has won Euros 2013 in Manchester in the category English ...
26. Mai 2014 |
Redakteur: Nikos Bosse |
Kategorie: International, Neues aus den Clubs, Turniere |
Kommentare deaktiviert für DCAs for Vienna EUDC 2015 announced
Athens Open
From August 29th to August 31st, the third Athens Open will be hosted by the Deree College Debating Club. The tournament takes place merely one week after the European Universities Debating Championship in Zagreb and welcomes all debaters who want to extend their holiday stay in the South East of Europe.
The Athens Open will be held in British Parliamentary Style and features 5 preliminary rounds with 7 minute speeches, Semi-Finals and a Final. Chief Adjudicators (CAs) will be Christine Simpson, CA of Zagreb EUDC 2014, and Michael Shapira, CA of Vienna EUDC 2015.
Registration is open. Registration Fee is 60 Euros ...
26. Mai 2014 |
Redakteur: Nikos Bosse |
Kategorie: International, Neues aus den Clubs, Termine, Turniere |
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Cambridge wins Paris Open 2014, Lund wins ESL final
Ashish Kumar and Michael Dunn Goekjian have won the Paris Open 2014. The final jury unanimously decided that the team from Cambridge prevailed as Opening Opposition to the following motion: This House supports the unlimited use of war-time propaganda which aims to dehumanise the enemy. The Top of the tab team Pascal A (Alon van Dam, Harish Natarajan) was in Opening Government, Belgrade A (Helena Ivanov, Stefan Siridžansky) spoke in Closing Government, and Matthew Willmore and Scott Ralston from the team Wigglypuf in Closing Opposition.
[caption id="attachment_22946" align="alignright" width="400"] Michael Dunn Goekjian offers a POI while his team partner Ashish Kumar ...
30. April 2014 |
Redakteur: Jonas Huggins |
Kategorie: International, Turniere |
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Feedback zu den DCA-Bewerbern der EUDC in Wien 2015
Christine Simpson und Michael Shapira, Chefjuroren der European Universities Debating Championship (EUDC) 2015 in Wien, haben die Liste aller Kandidaten für den Posten eines Deputy Chief Adjudicator (DCA) bei den Euros veröffentlicht. Der ausrichtende Debattierklub (DK) Wien hatte am vergangenen Wochenende auch auf der ZEIT DEBATTE dafür geworben, dass Kandidaten aus dem VDCH*-Land nominiert werden. Unter den Kandidaten ist zwar der aus Deutschland stammende Peer Klüßendorf, Europameister 2013 in der Kategorie English as a Second Language (ESL). Da er allerdings in Lund, Schweden, debattiert, gibt es keine Kandidaten aus dem VDCH-Land. Von den folgenden Debattierern werden nach einer Feedbackphase, in ...
4. April 2014 |
Redakteur: Nikos Bosse |
Kategorie: International, Turniere |
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A small foretaste of EUDC: The Vienna IV 2014
Marija Simić and Djordje Jovicevic are the winners of the Vienna IV 2014. On Sunday, the team Belgrado in Closing Government won the final round with the motion: "This House believes that no state, in any situation, has the right to demand, encourage or promote its citizens to fight or die for their country."
The following teams broke into the final:
OG: Warsaw A (Karolina Partyga, Maja Łukomska)
OO: Vermont GW (Rebecca White, Mariel Golden)
CG: Belgrado (Marija Simić, Djordje Jovicevic)
CO: Vermont SS. (Jacob Senghas, Franny Solnick)
[caption id="attachment_22239" align="alignright" width="400"] The CAs of the Vienna IV Stefan Zweiker, Christine Simpson and Nicole Loiter with ...
11. März 2014 |
Redakteur: Nikos Bosse |
Kategorie: International, Turniere |
Kommentare deaktiviert für A small foretaste of EUDC: The Vienna IV 2014
Nomination process for EUDC Vienna 2015 DCAs started
The Debattierklub Wien (DK Wien) has opened an online nomination process for Deputy Chief Adjudicators (DCAs) for the European University Debating Championship (EUDC) 2015 in Vienna. From now on, every debater can nominate somebody he deems suitable to be part of the Chief Adjudicator team for the EUDC using this online form.
However, as the Chief Adjudicators Christine Simpson and Michael Shapira emphasise, a nomination neither is necessary nor sufficient to be selected as DCA. The nomination process serves the only purpose of calling attention to apt candidates who do not apply on their own. The actual application process starts on ...
26. Februar 2014 |
Redakteur: Achte Minute |
Kategorie: International, Jurieren |
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Eilat: A Debate Holiday Resort and Future EUDC Venue?
Between September 8 and 11 2013 BGU carried out the Red Sea Open for the fourth time. Convened by Mor Zoran and Noa Golan hyper-funded by the Ben Gurion University the rounds took place on the Eilat Campus of BGU. 32 teams, an outstanding Chief Adjudication team and an all round board combined an intimate debate atmosphere with a party holiday mood. And the debate community has a new contender that wants to host EUDC 2016.
Eilat, a rather Unconventional Debate Scenery
From around a dozen tournaments yearly generated on the Israeli circuit the Red Sea Open is the only one truly ...
20. September 2013 |
Redakteur: Achte Minute |
Kategorie: International, Turniere |
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