Beiträge zum Stichwort ‘ Kroesmann ’

Roosevelt Open

Roosevelt OpenOn October 11 and 12 the Roosevelt Debating Society hosted the second edition of the Roosevelt Open. The tournament was held in lovely Middelburg, all the way in the south-west corner of the Netherlands. Among the VDCH-speaker were Stefan Torges, Madlen Stottmeyer, Leonard Muenstermann, Moritz Justen, Kai Dittmann, Jan-Dirk Capelle and Christopher Kroesmann. The tournament was won by Anne Valkering and Rogier Baart. Unfortuantly no VDCH-teams were in the break rounds, but the individual results of the teams and speaker can be found in the individual Speaker Tab and Team Tab. Motions R1: This House would no longer arrest or prosecute individual members of drug gangs operating in highly violent areas if ...
20. Oktober 2013 | Redakteur: | Kategorie: International, Turniere | Kommentare deaktiviert für Roosevelt Open

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