Beiträge zum Stichwort ‘ EUDC Zagreb 2014 ’

EUDC 2014 – Equity-Forum und Ergebnisse des zweiten Vorrundentags

EUDC 2014 – Equity-Forum und Ergebnisse des zweiten VorrundentagsAuch der zweite Vorrundentag der European Universities Debating Championships (EUDC) 2014 sorgte für Kontroversen in der Debattiercommunity. Nikos Bosse, EUDC-Korrespondent der Achten Minute, berichtet über die Ereignisse im Equity Forum und die weitergeführten Diskussionen über die Pronoun Introductions und fasst die Ergebnisse der Teams aus dem VDCH-Land nach dem zweiten Vorrundentag zusammen. Equity-Forum [caption id="attachment_24344" align="alignright" width="330"] Teilnehmer der Zagreb EUDC 2014 (c) Zagreb Foto Team[/caption] Wie die Achte Minute bereits berichtete, kam es zu Beginn der Euros am Montag, dem 18.08., beim Speaker Briefing zu Meinungsverschiedenheiten zwischen dem Chefjurorenteam und dem Equity-Team über die Einführung von Pronoun Introductions. Während die Chefjuroren die ...
21. August 2014 | Redakteur: | Kategorie: International, Turniere | Kommentare deaktiviert für EUDC 2014 – Equity-Forum und Ergebnisse des zweiten Vorrundentags

Preliminary allocation of judges and teams for Zagreb EUDC 2014 announced

Preliminary allocation of judges and teams for Zagreb EUDC 2014 announcedAfter registration has closed, the Zagreb team announced the preliminary allocation of judge and team spots for EUDC 2014. On their facebook page they wrote: "This is the preliminary list of  teams and judges allocation for institutions that have registered to participate in Zagreb EUDC 2014: The list is presented in alphabetical order for easier navigation. Institutions marked red are not eligible to compete at EUDC. Institutions marked yellow: a. it is unclear what institution (university) they have registered b. the eligibility of the registered institution needs to be confirmed When the unresolved issues have been sorted out, the institutions whose requests have been granted ...
4. März 2014 | Redakteur: | Kategorie: International, Turniere | Kommentare deaktiviert für Preliminary allocation of judges and teams for Zagreb EUDC 2014 announced

Auswahlprozess der Chefjuroren für Zagreb EUDC 2014

Auswahlprozess der Chefjuroren für Zagreb EUDC 2014The OrgComm of Zagreb EUDC 2014 has announced that they opened the DCA application process to the feedback stage. They would like to invite all members of the international debating community to provide feedback on the applicants based on their personal experience of working with them either as debaters, judges, CAs or DCAs. They are interested in feedback regarding judging ability and motion setting. In addition, they welcome any feedback on how well applicants work in teams and their other personal attributes. In alphabetical order, the applicants are: Alon van Dam (Israel, RRIS) Andreas Lazar (Germany, University of Stuttgart) Ashish Kumar (IONA, Cambridge University) Ben ...
18. September 2013 | Redakteur: | Kategorie: International, Jurieren, Turniere | mit 2 Kommentaren

Proposals for a fairly, better bidding process

Proposals for a fairly, better bidding processOn August 23 EUDC Council assembled in Manchester. Amongst other things the decisions on who will host Euros in 2014 and 2015 were made, with bids by Durham and Zagreb for EUDC 2014 and a bid by Vienna for EUDC 2015. Zagreb took the win over Durham and will host Euros next year.  Vienna’s bid was confirmed, which makes them the hosts for Euros the year after next. Teresa Widlok  was present in Council in her capacity as International Officer of the Association of German Speaking University Debating Societies and German delegate to Council. The following article describes her impressions ...
9. September 2013 | Redakteur: | Kategorie: International, Turniere | mit 5 Kommentaren

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