Posts Tagged ‘ Wieseotte ’
Compulsory education for Pippi Longstocking? – Show debate in Mainz
Compulsory education is the matter when Debattierclub Johannes Gutenberg Mainz (DCJG) invites students and professors alike to be witness to a show debate on May 3 at 6:30 p.m. on campus. This is where Natalie Wieseotte, Marc Lenzke and Nicolas Eberle from DCJG are going to meet with professors Margarete Imhof (psychology), Stefan Hirschauer (sociology) and Perikles Simon (sport science). The motion will be "Soll Pippi Langstrumpf in die Schule gehen?", or "Should Pippi Longstocking go to school?".
Katharina Tschirner / apf / glx
Apr 24th, 2011 |
By Achte Minute |
Category: News of debating clubs, Themen |
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ZEIT DEBATTE Mainz Pickings 2
This article is not available in English. Please read the German version of this article to see what various debating societies say about the ZEIT DEBATTE in Mainz on their websites!
Jan 21st, 2011 |
By Tim Richter |
Category: Presseschau, Turniere |
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ZEIT DEBATTE Mainz 2011: Geschichten und Gerüchte
Streitkultur Cup 2010 – A review

Ad Fontes: Die Turnierserie kehrte heim! – Einblicke in die ZEIT DEBATTE Tübingen 2010