Posts Tagged ‘ Werner ’
Berlin (Debating Union), Heidelberg (Rederei) und Tübingen gewinnen die Regionalmeisterschaften 2023
Apr 23rd, 2023 |
By Achte Minute |
Category: Campus-Debatten, Turniere, ZEIT DEBATTE |
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Mainz und Würzburg gewinnen Ironman- und Nikolausturnier
Dec 4th, 2022 |
By Hannah Bilgenroth |
Category: FDL/DDL, Turniere |
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Oxford/Marburg gewinnt Brüder Grimm Cup, Streitkultur gewinnt die DDL
Im Finale des Brüder Grimm Cups 2021 konnte sich das Team Zerstörer und Kaninchenbaby (Kai Kortus, Jonas Frey; Marburg/Oxford) aus der Schließenden Regierung durchsetzen. Sie besiegten die Eröffnende Regierung Münster Bongcloud (Paul Schmitz, Johannes Meiborg), die Eröffnende Opposition Sozialer Abstieg bleibt möglich (Maximilian Meybauer, Georg Maxton; Hamburg) und die Schließende Opposition Die reitzenden Steine (Julius Steen, Tim Reitze; Rederei). Das Thema der Debatte lautete: "Dieses Haus glaubt, dass Sportwettbewerbe zwischen Nationen mehr schaden als nützen". Die Finaljury bestand aus Lara Tarbuk (Hauptjurorin), Benedikt Rennekamp, Jonas Reichert, Jola Schmidt und Sven Jentzsch.
1. Zerstörer und Kaninchenbaby (Kai Kortus, Jonas Frey) - 9 ...
Jul 19th, 2021 |
By Johannes Meiborg |
Category: FDL/DDL, News of debating clubs, Turniere |
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Cornell & Middlebury are 2019 Pan-American Debate Champions
[caption id="attachment_35384" align="alignright" width="400"] The Spanish language division was won by Cornell A (c) Pan - American UDC Panama City 2019[/caption]
The Pan-American Universities Debate Championships 2019 was hosted in Panama on April 19 - 22 and featured both English and Spanish language divisions.
The Spanish language final was won by Cornell A (Leo Grageda, Aurelien Salas) in Opening Government. Competing against them was PUCP A (Omar Espinoza, Jose Arturo Tipismana) in Opening Opposition, UdeG A (Itzcoatl Ilhuitcatl Bravo Rosas, Daniel Cuauhtli Aguilar Yanez) in Closing Government, and ITESM CEM A (Jubal Esteban Paez Belmonte, Mariana Morales Urbina) in Closing Opposition on the ...
May 8th, 2019 |
By Anonymous Editor |
Category: International, Turniere |
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“Super, super cool!” / Interview with Tobias Kube
Tobias Kube was awarded for being the most promising debater new on the German language deating circuit at the German Language Debating Championship in Vienna in June this year. Deutsche Debattiergesellschaft, the alumni debating society of Germany, grants this award every year to one of the up-and-coming debaters. Read here the interview of a first year who will soon be debating with and against old stagers at the Masters’ Cup in Eisenach. Read the complete interview in German.
In der Übersicht: die ZEIT DEBATTEN der Saison 2012/2013
Sep 12th, 2012 |
By Tim Richter |
Category: VDCH |
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EUDC 2012: An interview with the EUDC runners-up from Berlin
Prepping at Cambridge, studying The Economist, scrutinizing mechanisms - this and much more is what Jonas Werner (winner of German language debating championship 2009) and Niels Schröter (both from the Belrin Debating Union, or BDU) revealed when our Belgrade correspondent Willy Witthaut interviewed them after they made it to the ESL final at the European Universities Debating Championship (EUDC or Euros). ...
EUDC 2012: The semi-finals
Berlin! Berlin! Berlin! Again we're cheering for Berlin: Team A of the Berlin Debating Union (BDU) made it to the semis: Jonas Werner and Niels Schröter - yay! In quarters, they were closing opp in a debate on "This house supports life sentences without the possibility of parole for serial re-offenders." Now, they're debating the motion "This house believes that the militaries in newly democratized Arab countries should act as the guardian angels of society" from closing gov. ...
Willkommen in der Märchenstadt – Marina Freund über den Brüder Grimm Cup 2012
May 30th, 2012 |
By Achte Minute |
Category: Turniere |
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FDL: Jena gewinnt Heimspiel / Berlin ist lachender Vierter
May 21st, 2012 |
By Tim Richter |
Category: Turniere |
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Hamburg wins Berlin Punk 2012
Julian Ohm and Barbara Schunicht from Debattierclub Hamburg won the Berlin Punk 2012. They defeated Andreas Lazar and Roxanna Noll from Debattierclub Stuttgart and two teams from Berlin Debating Union: Jonas Werner and Katja Krüger aswell as Christina Dexel and Lilian Seffer. The final motion read “Dieses Haus glaubt, dass Menschenversuche Richtern als Strafmaß zur Verfügung stehen sollten.“ ...
Jonas Werner and Farid Schwuchow win Berlin Invitational 2012
Jan 20th, 2012 |
By Tim Richter |
Category: Themen, Turniere |
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Cambridge vs Oxford – Melanie Sindelar on the most famous IVs
Two of the most prestigious debating tournaments took place over the last weekends, the Oxford (November 10 and 11) and the Cambridge IV (November 18 and 19), and Achte Minute was there! Because there is a long tradition of comparison between the two Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, also this report will try to compare both tournaments since IV stands for intervarsity, a competition between universities.
The first tournament that took place was the Oxford IV – which started on Friday (for international arrivals on Thursday evening) and took place at the impressive Oxford ...
Der dritte Boddencup – Ein Wasserstandsbericht von Manuel Adams
Rain, rain, rain - all over Germany! But the brave debaters of the Boddencup never gave in and even did their BBQ in Greifswald. A short lesson on German geography: "Bodden are brackish bodies of water along the southwestern shores of the Baltic Sea, primarily in Germany's state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern around the island of Rügen," as Wikipedia has it. This year's Boddencup was staged by Greifwald's debating society for the third time in a row. It was also the final of the first season of Freie Debattierliga, or free debating league (FDL). Read more on a rainy weekend by the ...
DDM 2011: Breaks to semis
For teams qualified for semis of the Deutsche Debattiermeisterschaft (DDM), or German Debating Championship. Read here who competed on a sunny Sunday morning for the title of Deutscher Meister. The motion read "Brauchen wir einen europäischen Marshallplan für Nordafrika?", or "Do we need a Marshall Plan for North Africa?".
Jun 12th, 2011 |
By Achte Minute |
Category: Themen, Turniere |
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DDM 2011: Breaks to quarters
The German Debating Championship is getting more and more exciting. The motion reads "Soll die Wikipedia Weltkulturerbe werden?", or "Should Wikiepedia become World Heritage?". Read here who made it to quarters in Heidelberg:
Jun 11th, 2011 |
By Achte Minute |
Category: Themen, Turniere |
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Worlds as a media coup / Manuel Adams and Annette Kirste talk to Achte Minute
“Embracing Dissent“ is the motto of the WUDC Berlin 2013 – “We believe this reflects the enlightening and liberating clash of ideas that shaped European and German history - and, of course, what makes debate relevant and exciting”, the Facebook site of WUDC Berlin 2013 announced.
No doubt, there is a natural dissent between the fractions of a parliamentary debate. Yet, there might also be dissent during the preparatory phase of the World Universities Debating Championships (WUDC or Worlds), for instance in a heated debate about the motto. However, consent was the motto when now WUDC convenor Patrick Ehmann travelled the ...
May 18th, 2011 |
By Achte Minute |
Category: International |
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Stuttgart and Berlin in the Science Po IV 2011 final
Team Texas A&M A (Syed Taha and Alya Al-Harthy) defeated teams from Stuttgart, Berlin and Utrecht in the Science Po IV 2011 final. Twenty BPS teams competed from May 7 to 9 at the tournament in Le Havre, France. Chief adjudicator at the ESL-only IV in France's Normandy was Manos Moschopoulos, his deputies were Anne Valkering, Isabelle Loewe, Milan Vignjevic and Rob Honig. The Tab is already online.
All motions at a glance:
Round 1: This House would invalidate any election result with a turnout below 70 per cent.
Round 2: This House believes that children should be excluded from any religion ...
May 9th, 2011 |
By Gudrun Lux |
Category: Turniere |
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DLSU Worlds: First row of VDCH societies registered
Take me to Manila! A first bunch of debating societies from under the umbrella of VDCH know for sure already: We are going to DLSU Worlds in Manila. In the recently published list, the convenors of the World Debating Universities Championships (WUDC or Worlds) at De La Salle University of Manila, Philippines have announced those deb socs followed their slogan “Take me to Manila”.
It is a rough list of registration for DLSU Worlds only, containing many duplicates. But still, seven debating societies from the VDCH circuit made it to that list: Debattierclub Stuttgart, Berlin Debating Union, Debattierclub Johannes Gutenberg Mainz, ...
New executive board in Berlin
Berlin Debating Union (BDU) has elected a new board. Dessislava Kirova is the new president, leading the club by her side is now Jonas Werner. Patrick Ehmann resigned as BDU's president to concentrate his commitment on organizing the World Universities Debating Championships 2013, as is reported by Dessislava.
Congratulations and good luck for your work!
vro / apf
Feb 19th, 2011 |
By Achte Minute |
Category: News of debating clubs |
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Nofretete is going to stay in Berlin – Second masters’ debate of BDU
Egyptian queen in the German capital - The motion of the second masters’ debate of Berlin Debating Union (BDU) was especially directed to a Berlin audience: "Who is owning Nefertiti? This house would give the bust of Nofretete back to Egypt!"
Georg Sommerfeld and Johannes Häger (Opening Government) talked about the rude and somehow illegal methods that were used to bring the bust to Germany in 1913. They also explained that Nefertiti is an important symbol for the Egyptian history and identity and so would belong to Cairo. Juliane Mendelsohn and Niels Schröter (Opening Opposition) disagreed. Nefertiti's bust has been exhumed ...
Feb 15th, 2011 |
By Achte Minute |
Category: News of debating clubs, Themen |
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Jena wins Berlin Invitational
Clemens Lechner and Moritz Niehaus from Debattiergesellschaft Jenahave just won this year's Berlin Invitational hosted by the Berlin Deabting Union (BDU) in the German capital. The motion read "Dieses Haus fordert nach drei Straftaten Haft bis ans Lebensende". They defeated the other teams (Debattierclub Magdeburg/BDU, BDU proper, Wortgefechte Potsdam) from the position of Opening Government.
vro / apf
Jan 7th, 2011 |
By Achte Minute |
Category: Themen, Turniere |
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Berlin Invitational 2011: Break and motions
The following made it to the final of the Berlin Invitational 2011:
Opening Government: Clemens Lechner and Moritz Niehaus (Debattiergesellschaft Jen)
Opening Opposition: Jan-Dirk Capelle and Jonas Werner (Debattierclub Magdeburg/Berlin Debating Union)
Closing Government: Dessislava Kirova and Filip Bubenheimer (Berlin Debating Union)
Closing Opposition: Moritz Kirchner and Florian Umscheid (Wortgefechte Potsdam)
Judges are Torsten Rössing (Klartext Halle), Daniel Sommer (Debating Club Heidelberg), Bernd Hoefer (Debattierclub Kiel), Patrick Ehmann (Berlin Debating Union) and Katharina Kleine-Tebbe (Debating Society Paderborn).
The motions:
Dieses Haus würde Haiti in die USA eingliedern.
Dieses Haus würde die europäische Außenpolitik an Macchiavelli ausrichten.
Dieses Haus fordert eine Erbschaftssteuer von 100% zugunsten ...
Münster Santa Claus Tournament Pickings 1
We are sorry, this article is not or not yet available in English. Please check back later.
Dec 7th, 2010 |
By Gudrun Lux |
Category: Turniere |
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Controversial Masters’ Debate in Berlin
Reaching a broad public, debating controversial social topics, provoke thoughts – that’s the idea behind the Masters’ Debate. In this way the Berlin Debating Union (BDU) wants to perform its sociopolitical role. Furthermore the members of BDU want to show what is possible in a really good debate and that even difficult, controversial and contra intuitive motions can be discussed in a reasonable, ambitious and entertaining way.
So early December's motion was a heavy one: “This house would allow disabled parents (in countries where pre-implantation diagnostics are allowed) to choose embryos with the same disability.”
The Opening Government with Annette Kirste and ...
Dec 6th, 2010 |
By Achte Minute |
Category: News of debating clubs, Themen |
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Berlin wins Santa Claus Tournament in Münster
Georg Sommerfeld and Johannes Häger won for the Berlin Debating Union the Santa Claus Tournament in Münster.
Dec 4th, 2010 |
By Gudrun Lux |
Category: Themen, Turniere |
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Münster Santa Claus Tournament starts
Not yet available in English. Please check back later.
Dec 4th, 2010 |
By Gudrun Lux |
Category: Turniere |
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Preußen Punk Potsdam 2010 Pickings 1
Preußen Punk Potsdam's Tab is now online.
Nov 15th, 2010 |
By Gudrun Lux |
Category: Presseschau, Turniere |
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Jaywalking – Kick-off event in Berlin
Tuesday, 26th November, the Berlin Debating Union (BDU) opened the new debating semester with the motion "This House would jaywalk“. About 60 guests were curious about the topic and were able to join an exciting debate about the borders of citizens duties.
On the side of the Government, Julian Ohm (finalist North-German Championships 2010), Jonas Werner (German Champion 2009) and Johannes Häger (semi-finalist SOAS IV 2010) were stating that a responsible handling of governmental rules also implies to trespass them in particular cases. Only in this way can a healthy relationship to the governmental power be created and the citizens are ...
Oct 27th, 2010 |
By Achte Minute |
Category: News of debating clubs, Themen |
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DDM im Gespräch: Miriam Hauft grüßt ihre Mutter
In der Reihe "DDM im Gespräch" ist diesmal die noch amtierende Deutsche Meisterin Miriam Hauft (DC Magdeburg) im Gespräch mit der Achten Minute über die Wehmut, den Titel weiterzugeben und ihre Hoffnungen, an wen. ...
Jun 3rd, 2010 |
By Gudrun Lux |
Category: Menschen, Turniere |
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