Posts Tagged ‘ Türkei ’
Istanbul Open 2011
From 2nd to 5th August you will have the opportunity to once more prepare for the upcoming Euros in Galway. Istanbul is known for its good tournament organisation, besides various tournaments they were also host of the World Debating Championships in 2010. Quality Adjudication is provided by CA Douglas Cochran (Cambridge), DCA Michael Shapira (WUDC winner 2011, ESL) and DCA Manos Moschopolous (WUDC Best ESL Speaker 2010, EUDC ESL Finalist 2010). Istanbul also announced to have world-class adjudicators besides that, and are glade to have Anat Shapira (Best ESL speaker WUDC 2006, best speaker ESL EUDC 2005) attending as judge.
If ...
Jul 25th, 2011 |
By Melanie Sindelar |
Category: Termine, Turniere |
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Ankara Open 2011

A Review on Istanbul 2010 International Debating Championship
Debaters from England, Germany, Latvia, Greece and Turkey met on the Koc University (KU) campus for the Istanbul 2010 International Debating Championship. The tournament was the first hosted by the university after it ran what was probably the best World Universities Debating Championship ever in Antalya last December and is a revival of the series of open tournaments the KU Debate Club ran since 2004, proving that the locals simply haven’t had enough of running excellent competitions after hosting both Worlds and Euros within three years.
Those that visited the campus in 2007 may remember the splendid dormitory accommodation it offers ...
Sep 11th, 2010 |
By Achte Minute |
Category: Turniere |
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Koç Istanbul 2010: Registration extended

Jul 25th, 2010 |
By Achte Minute |
Category: Turniere |
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Istanbul 2010 International Debating Championship
Debattieren in Istanbul! Wer bei den Weltmeisterschaften zum Jahreswechsel sein Herz an die Türkei und die türkische Debattiergastfreundlichkeit verloren hat oder aber neidvoll bedauert, nicht dabei gewesen zu sein, bekommt jetzt eine neue Chance: Von 3. bis 7. September lockt die "Istanbul 2010 International Debating Championship". Chefjuror ist Jonathan Leader Maynard. Das Turnier wird in englischer Sprache und im Format BPS ausgetragen, geplant sind sechs Vorrunden mit Break ins Viertelfinale. Der Teilnahmebeitrag wird mit 65 Euro angegeben, inklusive Verpflegung, Unterkunft, Partys und natürlich Debatten. Die Anmeldung ist von 28. Mai bis 20. Juni auf der Internetseite des Turniers möglich, wo es ...