Posts Tagged ‘ Tab ’
Berlin Worlds: preliminary intermediate team results

MDD 2012: Media review 1

Jun 12th, 2012 |
By Achte Minute |
Category: Debattieren in der Öffentlichkeit, Presseschau, Turniere, VDCH |
mit 3 Kommentaren
Regional German Championships 2011 Pickings 1
Please find here the cover-ups we have gathered for you on the German regionals. Please do not hesitate to read the German version of this article. There you may learn more on what the press writes about the Western German regional (WDM) as well as what debating societies like DK Wien and DC Freiburg have to say about this year's Southern German regional in Bayreuth.
Oliver Hörtensteiner, the tabmaster of this year's Southern German regional put the tab of the competition online. You may also find the tab of WDM 2011 online.
glx / apf ...
Apr 18th, 2011 |
By Gudrun Lux |
Category: Presseschau, Turniere, VDCH |
Comments Off on Regional German Championships 2011 Pickings 1
One weekend, many motions
This weekend, VDCH debaters took part in tournaments in Stuttgart and Leeds. On top of that, our neighbors in the Netherlands have also been competing at a tournament. Three tournaments, three CA teams, three languages. Find all motions of this weekend here. Additionally, we kindly ask you, our much appreciated readers, to do us a favor: Which motion did you find the most interesting, the best to debate, the most exciting? Which one did you think was no good idea? Please do not hesitate to leave your comments below and vote for your favorite motion. ...
ZEIT DEBATTE Mainz Pickings 1
This article is not available in English. Please read the German version of this article to see what various debating societies say about the ZEIT DEBATTE in Mainz on their websites! ...
WUDC 2011: Unofficial ESL and EFL tabs
On his blog, Manos Moschopoulos compiled unofficial tabs for ESL and EFL respectively for the World Universities Debating Championships (WUDC or Worlds). He did so based on data provided by Leela Koenig, judge at Botswana Worlds, and the competition's language committee. So far, official ESL and EFL tabs have not yet been published by the adjudication team of CA Logandran Balavijendran.
According to Manos’ compilation, a correction of the Top Five EFL Speakers has to be noted: “Simon Belak (Ljubljana C) and Andreas Lazar (Stuttgart A) are joint top EFL speakers (initially, they were announced as 2nd and 1st respectively),” Manos ...
Jan 12th, 2011 |