The World Universities Debating Championship 2014 has its winners:
The World Champion 2014 in the category “English as a foreign language” is Bandung A (Vicario Reinaldo and Fauzan Reza Maulana).
The World Champion 2014 in the category “English as a second language” is Berlin A (Dessislava Kirova and Kai Dittmann).
The World Champion 2014 is Harvard A (Josh Zoffer and Ben Sprung-Keyser).
ESL Semi Final
Motion: This House believes that Pope Francis should publicly encourage Catholics to support radically redistributive government policies.
Break into ESL Final:
Babes-Bolyai A (Radu Cotarcea, Octavian Vasile Buta)
Lund A (Peer Klüßendorf, Emilia Carlqvist)
Belgrade B (Helena Ivanov, Stefan Siridzanski)
Berlin A (Dessislava Kirova, ...