Posts Tagged ‘ Schulman ’

Zagreb wins Doxbridge III

Zagreb wins Doxbridge IIIThe Final of Doxbridge III: Return of the King was won by They're taking the ballots to Bidengard (Tin Puljić, Lovro Šprem; Zagreb) in Opening Government, speaking against Runner Up Maternal Damnation (Srishti Krishnamoorthy-Cavell, Tudor Musat; Cambridge) in Opening Opposition, Belgrade MD (Janko Đorđević, Miloš Marjanović) in Closing Government, and Yale QE (David Edimo, Eva-Marie Quinones). The debate on the motion " was judged by Aisling Tully as chair together with Hadar Goldberg, Jason Xiao, Kit Mercer, Lucie Slamova, Niki Linganur and Uphie Abdurrahman. Fitting the tournament theme, the final motion read "Assuming the One Ring has been destroyed and Sauron defeated, TH, as a Hobbit, ...
Nov 9th, 2020 | By | Category: Headline, International, News of debating clubs, Turniere | Comments Off on Zagreb wins Doxbridge III

Bristol/Kyiv wins Astana Open

Bristol/Kyiv wins Astana OpenThe final of the Astana Open 2020 was won by the team Arie Potter and Ron Weasley (Arie Mora, Ron Leizrowice; Kiev/Bristol). Out of Closing Opposition, they defeated the Opening Government MDM A (Jason Woods, Maurice Coutiel; Edinburgh/London), Opening Opposition Astana is where I put my laptop (Eyal Horowitz, Boaz Katzir; Tel Aviv) and Closing Government we can do anything we put our minds to ???‍♀️✨just not this????‍♀️ (Daniela Williams, Isabelle Healy; Dublin). The debate on the motion "THBT the Kremlin should support Svetlana Tichanovskaya (incl. infoslide) was judged by Milla Huuskonen as chair, Aigerim Shadeyeva, Caoimhin Hamill, Dani Georgiev ...
Oct 8th, 2020 | By | Category: International, News of debating clubs, Turniere | Comments Off on Bristol/Kyiv wins Astana Open

Leiden wins both finals at Astana EUDC 2020

Leiden wins both finals at Astana EUDC 2020[caption id="attachment_36956" align="alignright" width="455"] The Dutch victory celebration featuring European champions Katharina Margareta Jansen (4th from left), Emma Lucas (5th f.l.) Louis Honee (6th f.l.) and David Metz (7th f.l.) - © Louis Honee[/caption] The Astana EUDC 2020 has come to an end and it has been a successful tournament for the Leiden Debating Union. The Dutch debating society was able to win both the ESL and Open final and topped the ESL speaker awards as well. In the grand final, Leiden A (David Metz, Emma Lucas) took the victory out of Closing Opposition against the Opening Government Leiden C (Louis Honee, ...
Aug 8th, 2020 | By | Category: International, Turniere | Comments Off on Leiden wins both finals at Astana EUDC 2020

Tel Aviv wins Bristol Cyberpunk IV

Tel Aviv wins Bristol Cyberpunk IVThe Utopian Final of the Cyberpunk IV was won by The zoom where it happens (Gil Peled, Ido Kotler; Tel Aviv) in Opening Government, speaking against [KDA] the Real ULU A (Maurice Coutiel, Nick Zervoudis; London) in Opening Opposition, Team Underscore Name (Areeb Sherwani, Jacklin Kwan; Sheffield/Manchester)  in Closing Government, and To die hating OO, that was freedom (Josh Freeman, Joseph Lewis; LSE) in Closing Opposition on the motion "Assuming the technology exists, this house would allow people to buy and sell years of their life." The debate was chaired by Emily Frizell, judging with her were Arie Mora, Lucy ...
Jun 16th, 2020 | By | Category: International, News of debating clubs, Turniere | Comments Off on Tel Aviv wins Bristol Cyberpunk IV

Zagreb/Vienna wins Berlin Online IV

Zagreb/Vienna wins Berlin Online IV[caption id="attachment_36348" align="alignright" width="264"] The winning team: Tin Puljic and Miri Muntean - © Berlin Debating Union[/caption] The Berlin IV 2020 (Online edition) is over. The final was won by the team in Opening Opposition named Quarantined, Scrappy, and Hungry (Tin Puljić, Miri Muntean), a mixed-team by the Zagreb Student Debate Forum and the Debattierklub Wien. The other final teams were real pandemics have curves (Amichay Even Chen, Roy Schulman; Tel Aviv) in Opening Government, A License and a Penance (Srishti Krishnamoorthi-Cavell, Tudor Musat; Cambridge) in Closing Government and LSE CM (Ciara Mitchell, Hamza Tariq Chaudhry) in Closing Opposition. The debate ...
Apr 7th, 2020 | By | Category: International, News of debating clubs | Comments Off on Zagreb/Vienna wins Berlin Online IV

BGU wins Vienna IV

BGU wins Vienna IV[caption id="attachment_35501" align="alignright" width="400"] The winners of the Vienna IV 2019: Hilla Schwartz,Jonathan Shapira - © Debattierklub Wien[/caption] At the Vienna IV 2019, the team BGU A (Hilla Schwartz, Jonathan Shapira) was victorious in the grand final. Out of Closing Opposition, they defeated KCL A (Joel Richardson, Emily Frizell) in Opening Government, Targyarean & Snow (Klaudia Maciejweska, Jure Hederih; Warsaw/Oxford) in Opening Opposition and One of us is sort of retired, the other one is actually from Australia (Brian Wong, Jack Solomon; Oxford) in Closing Government on the motion "THBT Gavrilo Princip was justified in killing Archduke Franz Ferdinand (incl. infoslide)". ...
May 26th, 2019 | By | Category: International, News of debating clubs, Turniere | Comments Off on BGU wins Vienna IV

Belgrade/Leiden wins Budapest Open

Belgrade/Leiden wins Budapest Open[caption id="attachment_35249" align="alignright" width="400"] The Belgrade delegation and their teampartners including the open final winners Floris Holstege (l.) and Janko Djordjevic (2nd f. r.) as well as best speakers Miloš Marjanovic and Tin Puljić (3rd/4rd f. l.) - (c) Otvorena komunikacija[/caption] The Budapest Open 2019 saw the teams in Closing Government sweeping both final rounds, with De grootse Nederlands-Servische alliantie (Janko Djordjevic, Floris Holstege;Belgrade/Leiden) winning the crown on the motion "This house regrets the narrative that forgiveness is a virtue". Against them were Autinzam i renesansa (Tin Puljić, Ilija Ivanišević; Zagreb/Belgrade) in Opening Government, Velika Srpsko-Holandska Alijansa (Miloš Marjanovic, David Metz; Belgrade/Leiden) in ...
Mar 25th, 2019 | By | Category: International, News of debating clubs, Turniere | Comments Off on Belgrade/Leiden wins Budapest Open

Sydney, Hebrew Jerusalem and Keio are World Champions 2019

Sydney, Hebrew Jerusalem and Keio are World Champions 2019The World Universities Debating Championship (WUDC) 2019 in Cape Town, which took place 28.12.18-03.01.19, has ended with victories for teams from Sydney, Hebrew Jerusalem and Keio A. The holding of the Open final was accompanied by protests of the Black-African debate community. Open [caption id="attachment_34947" align="alignright" width="400"] Kevin Lee and Bostan Nurlanov - © private[/caption] The Open final was won by Sydney D (Kevin Lee, Bostan Nurlanov) out of Closing Government. Their victory marked the third world championship triumph in the last five years for their debating union. Other participants in the final were Cornell B (Denny Lee, Aniroodh Ravikumar) in Opening Government ...
Jan 6th, 2019 | By | Category: Turniere | Mit einem Kommentar

The argument with “Qatar 1”: What happened at and after the EUDC in Novi Sad

The argument with "Qatar 1": What happened at and after the EUDC in Novi SadFollowing days of massive discussion on social media, the EUDC Council held an extraordinary meeting regarding events at the EUDC in Novi Sad, where a team from Qatar University refused to debate Israeli teams. In order to clarify what happened, we summed up the recent developments for you. ...
Aug 13th, 2018 | By | Category: International, Turniere | Comments Off on The argument with “Qatar 1”: What happened at and after the EUDC in Novi Sad

WUDC 2018 – The Break

WUDC 2018 - The BreakOnce again the anglophone World Universities Debating Championship (WUDC) took place during the turn of the year. This year's location was Mexico City. The tournament started the 27.12.17 and ended the 04.01.18. After nine preliminary rounds the teams breaking to the outrounds were announced on New Year's Eve. At the WUDC, teams participate classified as one of three language categories: EPL (English as a Proficient Language), ESL (English as a Second Language) and EFL (English as a Foreign Language). EPL-classified teams can only participate in the Open Break, ESL-teams depending on their ranking either in the Open Break oder the ...
Jan 7th, 2018 | By | Category: International, Turniere | mit 2 Kommentaren

Israeli Team wins the 2nd European Debates Conference

Israeli Team wins the 2nd European Debates ConferenceDan Lahav and Yair Har-Oz won the Tilbury House IV - the 2nd European Debates Conference. They beat Osnabrück A (Stefan Torges, Jan Dirk Capelle), Maastricht Guess The Novice (Srdjan Miletic, Evelyn Svingen) and BDU Die schweigenden Lämmer (Rebecca Irvine, Philippe Holzhey) in the final, debating the motion "This House would ban anti EU parties from participating in the EU elections."  The final was jugded by Senna Maatoug (Chair), Itay Ben Yair, John Harper, Leo Münstermann and Emma Hartholt. [caption id="attachment_25062" align="alignright" width="320"] The final of the Tilbury House IV 2014. © Achte Minute[/caption] The following teams broke to the semi-finals and ...
Nov 10th, 2014 | By | Category: International, Turniere | Comments Off on Israeli Team wins the 2nd European Debates Conference

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