Posts Tagged ‘ Parker ’

Day 1: TH supports coming to Tallinn EUDC

Day 1: TH supports coming to Tallinn EUDCDay one is over and the participants of Tallinn EUDC are still hopeful and excited. At least it seems like it. The Achte Minute went around asking participant to deliver their best case for either Government or Opposition on the motions “TH supports coming to Tallinn EUDC” The overwhelming majority proposed that it was a great idea to join and also the voice who regrets coming, can’t really been taken seriously. Some of the arguments focused on the beauty of the city: I generally like traveling. The city and the old town is fun to go around and the waterfront is beautiful. There is ...
Aug 15th, 2017 | By | Category: International, Menschen, Turniere | Comments Off on Day 1: TH supports coming to Tallinn EUDC

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