Posts Tagged ‘ pandey ’

Zagreb wins Doxbridge III

Zagreb wins Doxbridge IIIThe Final of Doxbridge III: Return of the King was won by They're taking the ballots to Bidengard (Tin Puljić, Lovro Šprem; Zagreb) in Opening Government, speaking against Runner Up Maternal Damnation (Srishti Krishnamoorthy-Cavell, Tudor Musat; Cambridge) in Opening Opposition, Belgrade MD (Janko Đorđević, Miloš Marjanović) in Closing Government, and Yale QE (David Edimo, Eva-Marie Quinones). The debate on the motion " was judged by Aisling Tully as chair together with Hadar Goldberg, Jason Xiao, Kit Mercer, Lucie Slamova, Niki Linganur and Uphie Abdurrahman. Fitting the tournament theme, the final motion read "Assuming the One Ring has been destroyed and Sauron defeated, TH, as a Hobbit, ...
Nov 9th, 2020 | By | Category: Headline, International, News of debating clubs, Turniere | Comments Off on Zagreb wins Doxbridge III

Ateneo wins Malaysia ABP

Ateneo wins Malaysia ABPThe winners of the Asian British Parliamentary Championship 2020 in Malaysia are Ateneo 1 (Mikko Vitug, Ignaceo Villareal). They won the grand final out of Closing Opposition, speaking against  UPD 2 (Alia Yao, Clarice Tee) in Opening Government, NUS 1 (Tao En Qi, Shaun Lee) in Opening Opposition), and Taylor's 1 (Har Naveenjeet Singh, Ploopy) in Closing Government. The final was chaired by Piali Bopanno. Judging with them were Boby Andika Ruitang, Connor O'Brien, Dominic, EnTing Lee, Erica Liu, Fardeen Ameen, Taha Iqbal, Udai Kamanth. The motion read "TH, as the feminist movement, would advocate for aggressive government intervention to counteract behaviours which the feminist movement determines are ...
Oct 21st, 2020 | By | Category: International, Turniere | Comments Off on Ateneo wins Malaysia ABP

Team “Trade Chonks Not Stonks” wins IIT Bombay Debate

Team "Trade Chonks Not Stonks" wins IIT Bombay DebateThe IIT Bombay Debate 2020 was won by Trade Chonks Not Stonks (Enting Lee, Cveta Gotovats) speaking in Closing Opposition on the motion "THW abolish the law against scandalizing the court in India." They spoke against Taylors A (Ploopy, Har Naveenjeet Singh) in Opening Government; 2 bomb bombabes in Bombay (redacted, Josh Kemp) in Opening Opposition; and Is that Jess birthday party for debate addicts? (Hadar Goldberg, Klaudia Maciejewska) in Closing Government. The Final was chaired by Nicolas Lozano. Judging with them were Sera Yun, Sachit Ram, Jordyn Gibson, Karthik Bansal, Uphie Abdurrahman. The top Speaker was Amrit Agastia, Taylors University, with ...
Oct 3rd, 2020 | By | Category: International, News of debating clubs, Turniere | Comments Off on Team “Trade Chonks Not Stonks” wins IIT Bombay Debate

Tel Aviv wins Bristol Cyberpunk IV

Tel Aviv wins Bristol Cyberpunk IVThe Utopian Final of the Cyberpunk IV was won by The zoom where it happens (Gil Peled, Ido Kotler; Tel Aviv) in Opening Government, speaking against [KDA] the Real ULU A (Maurice Coutiel, Nick Zervoudis; London) in Opening Opposition, Team Underscore Name (Areeb Sherwani, Jacklin Kwan; Sheffield/Manchester)  in Closing Government, and To die hating OO, that was freedom (Josh Freeman, Joseph Lewis; LSE) in Closing Opposition on the motion "Assuming the technology exists, this house would allow people to buy and sell years of their life." The debate was chaired by Emily Frizell, judging with her were Arie Mora, Lucy ...
Jun 16th, 2020 | By | Category: International, News of debating clubs, Turniere | Comments Off on Tel Aviv wins Bristol Cyberpunk IV

Cornell wins Eastern Online IV

Cornell wins Eastern Online IV The grand final of the Eastern Online IV 2020 was won by Cornell 3 (Dylan Young, Amaar Jeyasothy) in Closing Opposition, speaking against McGill 1 (Micaela Lewis, Naomi Panovka) in Opening Government, Yale 1 (Eva Quinones, Ko Lyn Cheang) in Opening Opposition, and Brandeis-NU Hybrid (Ravi Simon, Tanay Patri) in Closing Government on the motion "THW spend all of Jeff Bezos's money." The debate was chaired by Marlene Pierce, with a panel of Klaudia Maciejewska, Rob Ruiz, Chris Pang, Germaine Barrett, Niki Linganur, and Reed. In  the ESL Final Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology 1 (Shirsha Songshoptak, Tameer Hossain) took ...
May 30th, 2020 | By | Category: International, News of debating clubs, Turniere | Comments Off on Cornell wins Eastern Online IV

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