Posts Tagged ‘ Newsletter ’
Prof. Wulf on law debates
"Ein guter Jurist muss deutsch sprechen, nicht juristendeutsch!" - Roughly speaking, good legal practitioners need to know a language everybody understands. This is a claim by Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Wulf who works at the ministery of law in the German state of Baden Wurttemberg, he also is an honorary professor at the University of Tubingen. Some years ago, he established soft skill courses dealing with law debates, something which is neglected in German jurisprudence curricula. Philipp Stiel, editor of the VDCH newsletter for a culture of debate in Germany, talked to Prof. Wulf. Currently the interview is not available in ...
VDCH-Newsletter 5 2009/2010
Das Präsidium des Verbandes der Debattierclubs an Hochschulen hat den fünften Newsletter seiner Amtszeit - und den ersten Newsletter des neuen Jahres 2010 - über den VDCH-Verteiler versandt. Außerdem ist der Newsletter auf der VDCH-Homepage abrufbar.