Posts Tagged ‘ Lundgren ’
Leiden wins Munich Open
[caption id="attachment_33086" align="alignright" width="400"] The winners and chief adjudicators of the Munich Open 2017. From left to right: Nishith Hedge (CA), Gigi Gil, Devin van den Berg, Melda Eren (CA), Paul Smith (CA) - © Julian von Lautz[/caption]
Gigi Gil and Devin van den Berg from Leiden won the Munich Open 2017, speaking as team Leiden B in Closing Government to the motion „TH supports the creation of an artificial island for those who do not want to live under the jurisdiction of any state.“ They beat Kustin is not to be trusted (Anna Akimova, Artyom Zolotareb) in Opening Government, Stockholm ...
Nov 27th, 2017 |
By Lennart Lokstein |
Category: International, News of debating clubs, Turniere |
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Tallinn EUDC 2017: The break
On the third day of the European University Debate Championship 2017 the pre-rounds come to an end, meaning: The break happens. We've gathered all the information available for you and will edit more once we get our hands on it. ...
Aug 18th, 2017 |
By Lennart Lokstein |
Category: International, Turniere |
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ULU/Oxford win Helsinki Open
[caption id="attachment_32040" align="alignright" width="158"] Winners of the Helsinki Open - Alex Harris (left) and Brian Wong (right) - © Brian Wong[/caption]
Congratulations to ‘Alex is never Wong’ (Alex Harris, former ULU, and Brian Wong, Oxford) for winning the Helsinki Open 2017. They won the final from Closing Government defeating ‘The Cupcakes or Your Life’ (Miri Muntean and Ingo Bandhauer, Vienna) in Opening Government, ‘Schrodinger’s Dichotomy’ (Jenni Juvonven, former Tampere, and Martijn Roo, Berlin) in Opening Opposition, and ‘Mainor A’ (Oskar Gross and Kasper) in Closing Opposition on the motion ‘This House would grant an amnesty to citizens who fought for ISIS ...
Jun 1st, 2017 |
By Craig McDonald |
Category: International, News of debating clubs, Turniere |
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Stockholm wins Ota Open
[caption id="attachment_31296" align="alignright" width="400"] From left to right: Lilian Suo, Brian Wong, Rita Chudnovskaya, Jesper Eriksson, Meradjuddin Khan Oidermaa, Eid Jazairi, Ella Jonninen, Ben Shaw and Sara Halonen. - © Lennart Lokstein[/caption]
At the grand final of the Ota Open 2017, the team Wolf Pack Alpha (Jesper Eriksson, Rita Chudnovskaya - Stockholm) managed to win as opening opposition on the motion "This house believes that major media outlets should seek to recruit individuals who openly support Donald Trump." They spoke against Otaly Excited (Lilian Luo - Ressu, Brian Wong - Oxford) in opening government, Don't worry, she's just my cousin! (Markus ...
Feb 19th, 2017 |
By Lennart Lokstein |
Category: International, News of debating clubs, Turniere |
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WUDC Tips and Tricks from Veterans – Part 1
There is no other time in the year where more outstanding, successful, brilliant, superb, mind-blowing, astonishing, fascinating debaters meet at one location than whilst at WUDC. This makes Worlds the perfect time to talk to some of those people and get them to share their secrets to success.
Today on the day of the first rounds, the Achte Minute has spoken to three different people from Sweden and New Zealand. In this article you’ll find the tricks of the trade.
Gustaf Lundgren and Johan Båge – Stockholm
Sebastian Templeton – Wellington
Gustaf Lundgren and Johan Båge – Stockholm
Gustaf and Johan are ...
Dec 30th, 2016 |
By Helena Hecke |
Category: International, Menschen, Turniere |
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Leiden wins Lund IV 2016
„We are here because we didn't have a cancellation agreement“ (Jeroen Wijnen and Roel Becker, Leiden) won the final of the Lund IV in Opening Opposition.
Debating the motion "THB that nuclear weapons have made the world a safer place.", they defeated "Belgrade A" (Ilija Ivanišević and Đorđe Jovićević) in Opening Government, "UCD Law A" (Adam Stairs and Aodhan Peelo) in Closing Government and "Cambridge CK" (George Clay and Muhammad Asadullah Khan) in Closing Opposition. The full debate is available on Youtube.
Best speaker was Aodhan Peelo (UCD Law A) with an average of 82.6 points.
[caption id="attachment_30505" align="alignright" width="400"] From left ...
Dec 8th, 2016 |
By Jan-Gunther Gosselke |
Category: International, Turniere |
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EUDC 2015 – St. Andrews and Tel Aviv are the new European Champions
St. Andrews A (Ruairidh Macintosh, Alex Don) and Tel Aviv B (Stav Singer, Iddan Golomb) are the European Champions 2015.St. Andrews won the debate on "This House would treat the deaths of soldiers as regrettable losses of lifes rather than examples of heroism." out of Closing Opposition against GUU A (Duncan Crowe, Chris Edgar) in Opening Government, UCD LawSoc A (Aodhan Peelo, Paul O'Dwyer) in Opening Opposition and Tel Aviv A (Ayal Hayut-man, Dan Lahav) in Closing Government.The final in the category "English as a Second Language" was won by Tel Aviv B out of Opening Opposition. They debated against ...
Aug 10th, 2015 |
By Achte Minute |
Category: International, Turniere |
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WUDC 2015: And the winners are…
The World Universities Debating Championship 2015 in Malaysia has its champions:And the winners are...The Open CategorySydney A (Edward Miller, Nick Chung) won the final in the Open Category. They debated the motion "This House believes that humanitarian organisations should, and should be allowed to, give funding, resources or services to illegal armed groups when this is made a condition for access to vulnerable civilians." and won against Oxford A (Patrick Bateman, Natasha Rachman) in Opening Government, BPP A (Steven Rajavinothan, Michael O'Dwyer) in Opening Opposition and Harvard A (Bo Seo, Fanelesibonge Mashwama) in Closing Opposition. The final was adjudicated by Shafiq Bazari (chair), Dominic ...