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London ’

Portrait of a Tudor as a young Al (Tudor Musat and Alasdair Donovan, Cambridge) have won the 2018 edition of the KCL Open. Organized by conveners Emily Frizell and Joel Richardson, the tournament took place from June 30th to July 2nd at the King's College in London and was chief-adjudicated by Srishti Krishnamoorthy-Cavell, Tejaswini Krishnaprasad and Cian Luddy.
In a grand final judged by Tim Squirrel (chair), Clara Rupf, George Goddard, James Laird-Smith and Penny Sadeghi, Portrait of a Tudor as a young Al (OO) faced Remember, big speaks gaps are homophobic (Joe Roussos and Imogen Harper-Lawrence, OG, Oxford), I guess technically ...
Jul 6th, 2018 |
By Jan-Gunther Gosselke |
Category: International, News of debating clubs, Turniere |
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[caption id="attachment_31316" align="alignright" width="400"] Winners of LSESU Open: Joe Mayes (left), Steven Rajavinothan (right) - © Seah Ying Ying[/caption]
The team Young, Scrappy and Hungry (Joe Mayes, Steven Rajavinothan) has won the Open final of the LSESU Open 2017 from Opening Government on the motion "This house believes that history curriculums should portray in an overwhelmingly negative light all celebrated historical figures responsible for racially motivated violence. E.g. Winston Churchill, Oliver Cromwell, Charles De Gaulle." They defeated the teams ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (Joe Roussos, Tim Mooney) in Opening Opposition, Almodovar Film Club (Annie Williamson, Toby Tricks) in Closing Government and Rake unknown ...
Feb 20th, 2017 |
By Johannes Meiborg |
Category: International, News of debating clubs, Turniere |
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From November 14th till November 17th (the week between Oxford IV and Cambridge IV), the Scottish EUDC 2018 OrgComm will organize two free training sessions each night at varying universities in London. These training sessions are open to anyone interested and will also be streamed and recorded to make them accessible to people who cannot make it to London.
So far, no further information is known, but anyone interested may check out the Facebook page of the event.
Oct 1st, 2016 |
By Jan-Gunther Gosselke |
Category: International, News of debating clubs, Termine, Veranstaltungen |
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From the 2nd to the 3rd of August, the Imperial IV will be hosted by the Imperial College Union Debating Society in London. The tournament features five preliminary rounds with seven minute speeches, a break to semi-finals and a final. The two out of three Chief Adjudicators (CAs) already announced are Ruairidh Macintosh and Daniel Bramble.
Registration costs £45 and does not include accommodation. For all those who need accommodation, the organisers can provide contact details of hostels in the vicinity. Everybody who goes to the Imperial IV as well as the Westminster IV one week later will receive a 20 ...
Jun 22nd, 2014 |
By Nikos Bosse |
Category: International, News of debating clubs, Termine, Turniere |
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There is enough to say about SOAS IV 2012 itself. The tournament was outstandingly well organised for a British tournament. That is to say that it would still be considered very badly organised if we were to apply continental European standards. However, there was food and hostel accommodation close to the campus. With 140 teams SOAS IV is one of the largest tournaments on the Island. Because it enjoys a friendlier reputation than Oxford or Cambridge with regards to how it treats participants, about 30 ESL teams traveled to London to debate at SOAS IV. 3 of them were sent ...
Nov 22nd, 2012 |
By Achte Minute |
Category: International, Turniere |
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One weekend, two tournaments: The School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) is going to host not only the Game of Thrones IV on Sunday, June 10, but also the Football Open on June 9.
Whilst the IV is all about the "Game of Thrones" fantasy saga, the Football Open offers motions on "the opium of the masses" and "the matter that's more important than life or death".
Why? Because "it is time to recognise that there is only one area of interest that billions of people follow passionately around the world", as the org com puts it. CAs are Manos Moschopoulos, ...
Mar 26th, 2012 |
By Xenia Zhykhar |
Category: Termine, Turniere |
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If you are a Game of Thrones devotee, you will have plenty of reason for delight. For the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) invites to the Game of Thrones IV on Sunday, June 10.
Convenor Alexander Cavell and his team announce on the tournament's Facebook page that "all motions will concern contemporary and timeless issues of Westeros, the Lands beyond the Sea and the Iron Islands".
"Game of Thrones" is fantasy television series based on George Raymond Richard Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" series of novels. Although the CAs Manos Moschopoulos, Raj Zal Shukla and David Jones are ...

Mixing cocktails, strolling through Berlin, the German women football team losing to Japan, prospective Worlds and Euros convenors beating each other in distributing their giveaways ... All that and much more is the Berlin IV. Find here the motions, the break to (semi-)finals and the tab! And read the German version of this article to learn more about how Manuel Adams saw the Berlin IV or what it is called these days.
The motions:
[caption id="attachment_10365" align="alignright" width="226" caption="Convenor Dessislava Kirova talking to a participant of the Berlin IV. (Picture: Manuel Adams)"][/caption]
1. Vorrunde: This house would financially incentivise parents to have two ...

No, you need not know Bengali or Kiswahili to take part in the tournament at SOAS, the School of Oriental and African Studies, a college of the University of London. Maybe it comes in handy, though, on July 16 when the annual SOAS Open will be held at Russell Square in the format of BPS - and of course in English.
Convenors Robert Austin and Sheraz Qureshi promise a good preparation for Galway Euros which will be held Galway, Ireland in early August this year. They offer four prelims with seven-minute speeches, break to semis and an ESL final for those ...
Apr 28th, 2011 |
By Achte Minute |
Category: Termine, Turniere |
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The SOAS Debating Society continues to establish its IV as one of the largest debate competitions in Europe. On October 16th and 17th, 116 teams competed over six preliminary rounds at the School of African an Oriental Studies near King’s Cross in London. For VDCH-debaters, this was a particularly successful weekend.
The final was won by Harish Natarjan and Matilda Wnek (Cambridge H). They triumphed over Cambridge E (Maria English and Jack Watson), Loyola (Emily Ravencroft and Bobby Cashen) and KCL A (Daniel Berman and Jordan Anderson).
The ESL final was won by the German vice-champion and current exchange student Filip Bubenheimer ...

The ICU Debating Society present their Imperial College Open Debating Competition in London. The tournament, staged on 23 October, offers 4 preliminary rounds, semis and a final. Registration will start at 8 a.m. at the Imperial South Kensington campus. Chief adjudicators are Jack Watson (Cambridge) and Ben Woolgar (Oxford). With this year’s competition, the conveners aim at defending their reputation for their strong judging pool and promote this event as a perfect preparation for competitions in Oxford and Cambridge. The registration fee is 35 British Pound per team, societies are requested to send n-1 judges. Crash is available. For more ...
Sep 30th, 2010 |
By Achte Minute |
Category: Termine, Turniere |
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There are a few spots left for SOAS IV, the Debating Society of the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) invites to the School of Oriental and African Studies Inter-Varsity Debating Competition (SOAS IV) on the 16th-17th October.
As the SOAS IV's organizers wrote to Achte Minute, so far 120 teams have registered, and there is space for 30 more teams. Already, this year, teams from 10 different countries will be taking part in the tournament - also teams from VDCH debating societies. On Friday evening the SOAS team will be running a training workshop for international teams.
The Tournament will comprise six in-rounds in ...
Aug 3rd, 2010 |
By Gudrun Lux |
Category: Turniere |
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Debating in London: The Debating Society of the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) invites to the School of Oriental and African Studies Inter-Varsity Debating Competition (SOAS IV) on the 16th-17th October 2010.
The Tournament will comprise six in-rounds in the British Parliamentary format followed by quarter-finals and the grand final, which will take place before an audience of debaters from across Europe, as well as students and faculty members from SOAS.
In 2009, the SOAS IV was attended by 100 teams representing 9 countries. Douglas Cochran a distinguished debater from Cambridge University will be this year's Chief Adjudicator.
In order to ...
Jul 4th, 2010 |
By Gudrun Lux |
Category: Termine, Turniere |
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"London Australs is a new debating tournament with a difference. It's different because it will introduce a new style of debating to the European circuit, featuring two, three-member teams. You won't want to miss out on this fantastic debating experience!"
Eine fantastische Erfahrung hatten die Organisatoren auf ihrer Internetseite versprochen und haben sie, so das allgemeine Urteil, auch geliefert. Was OPD-erprobten Rednern wenig innovativ erscheinen mag, lockte am Wochenende ein illustres Teilnehmerfeld zu den London Australs. Neben Europa- und Weltmeistern und diversen Europa- und Weltmeisterschaftsfinalisten auch dabei: Drei Teams mit Beteiligung aus VDCH-Landen: Bonn (mit einem St. Galler Redner), Potsdam (mit einem Berliner ...
Mar 30th, 2010 |
By Achte Minute |
Category: Turniere |
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Die Anmeldung zum London Australs Open ist eröffnet. Das bereits per Video beworbene Turnier wird am 27. und 28. März in London ausgetragen. Turniersprache ist englisch. Im Australs-Format treten zwei Dreierteams gegeneinander an. Wer schon immer dachte, dass sieben Minuten zu kurz sind, ist hier richtig: Beim Australs-Format gibt es eine Minute obendrauf. Nachdem sechs Reden gehalten wurden, halten jeweils der erste oder zweite Redner jeder Seite noch ein zusammenfassendes Schlussstatement von drei bis vier Minuten. Die Vorbereitungszeit ist doppelt so lang wie üblich und beträgt also 30 Minuten. Die Rednerteams haben eine Mitbestimmungsmöglichkeit über die Themen: Sie bekommen drei ...
Jan 15th, 2010 |
By Gudrun Lux |
Category: Termine, Turniere |
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Am 20. und 21. Februar wird das LSE Open der London School Of Economics SU Debate Society ausgetragen. 80 Teams werden sich dort in englischer Sprache im Debattierformat BPS miteinander messen.
Jan 13th, 2010 |
By Gudrun Lux |
Category: Termine, Turniere |
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