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Streitkultur Berlin celebrates its first club evening

Jul 6th, 2010 |
By Gudrun Lux |
Category: News of debating clubs |
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Witty start for Streitkultur Berlin
Almost three dozen club members and others convened for the first club evening of Streitkultur Berlin (SKB). Only a few blocks away, the new President of Germany (Bundespräsident) was elected in the Reichstag, while the newly founded debating club debated the topic that was to ultimately prove as the old President's downfall. They asked: "Should German military operations be allowed to assert economic interests?", thus re-debating the final motion of this year's German Debating Championships, this time in OPD debating style. Before the debate, club President Christoph Krakowiak introduced the rules to all those present and then handed off to ...
Auftaktdebatte der Streitkultur Berlin

Ad Fontes: Die Turnierserie kehrte heim! – Einblicke in die ZEIT DEBATTE Tübingen 2010