Posts Tagged ‘ Hörtensteiner ’

MDD 2012: What is “Heuriger”?

Die Chefjuroren Lukas Haffert, Tom-Michael Hesse und Gudrun Lux (von links; nicht im Bild: Chefjurorin Isabelle Fischer) und der Tabmaster Oliver Hörtensteiner bereiten die Setzung für die Vorrunden vor. (Foto: Anja Pfeffermann)Wine, debates, WUDC and much much more - please read the German version of this article to learn more about the German language debating championship still going on in Vienna. Them motions of the first five prelims: Dieses Haus verpflichtet Pharmakonzerne, die Hälfte ihres Forschungsetats auf Krankheiten zu verwenden, die primär in Entwicklungsländern auftreten. Dieses Haus verbietet Inlandsgeheimdiensten, Parlamentsabgeordnete zu überwachen. Dieses Haus trägt die Fußballeuropameisterschaft weiterhin mit 16 Teams aus. Dieses Haus, das technisch dazu in der Lage ist, klont den Neandertaler. Dieses Haus führt Eurobonds ein. It's the first time the German language debating championship (Meisterschaft im deutschsprachigen Debattieren or MDD) is hosted outside Germany. ...
Jun 8th, 2012 | By | Category: Turniere, VDCH | Comments Off on MDD 2012: What is “Heuriger”?

Heidelberg Debating wins Streitkultur Cup

Die Sieger des Streitkultur-Cups 2011 (v.l.n.r.): Sven Hirschfeld, Franzi Kriegelstein und Daniel Sommer - die Hütchen sind Teil des Titels. (Foto: Philipp Stiel)Heidelberg Debating A (Sven Hirschfeld, Daniel Sommer and Franzi Kriegelstein) won the final of the renown Streitkultur Cup 2011 in Tübingen. They defeated Streitkultur Pheme from Tübingen (Peter Croonenbroeck, Anne Suffel and Jonathan Spanos).Free speakers were Philipp Stiel, Lukas Windhager and Dominic Hildebrand. The final was judged by Vanessa Schilling, Tobias Kube, Oliver Hörtensteiner, Sarah Kempf and Leo Vogel. Mario Dießner functioned as president of the final debate. The audience chose Peter Croonenbroeck as best speaker of the final who was awarded with a traditional cactus. [caption id="attachment_11479" align="alignright" width="300" caption="The winners of the Streitkultur Cup 2011: Sven Hirschfeld, Franzi Kriegelstein ...
Dec 11th, 2011 | By | Category: Themen, Turniere | Comments Off on Heidelberg Debating wins Streitkultur Cup

DDG, Kienholz and Lenny Kravitz

DDG, Kienholz and Lenny Kravitz Wanna know what Lenny Kravitz, a piggy bank and Jesus all have to do with DDG, the German debating alumni association? Well... read the German version of this! The Deutsche Debattiergesellschaft (DDG) – the German association of alumni debaters – provides a network for alumni debaters as well as it promotes student debating in German speaking regions. Moreover, DDG is co-editor of our debating magazine Achte Minute. DDG’s general assembly of 2011 elected their executive board: Stefan Hübner is now president of the alumni association supported by Marietta Gädeke, Oliver Hörtensteiner, Nicolas Eberle and Bastian Laubner. ...
Nov 3rd, 2011 | By | Category: DDG | Comments Off on DDG, Kienholz and Lenny Kravitz

Serpentines, old stagers and The Beach: Sina Strupp on the Masters’ Cup

Die Teilnehmer des Masters' Cup 2011 An exclusive tournament in the Thuringian Forest with the final in the famous fortress Wartburg - read more in the German version of this sum-up of impressions of one of our up-and-coming among old stagers. ...
Sep 27th, 2011 | By | Category: DDG | mit 2 Kommentaren

Käsespätzle and dirndl – Flo Prischl on the Southern German regional SDM

Käsespätzle and dirndl – Flo Prischl on the Southern German regional SDM We are very sorry, this article is not yet available in English. Please read the German version to learn more about käsespätzle, org comm wearing dirndl and how Florian Prischl got sun burnt during a debate tournament. ...
Apr 14th, 2011 | By | Category: Themen, Turniere | Comments Off on Käsespätzle and dirndl – Flo Prischl on the Southern German regional SDM

Overview: German Regional Championships 2011

The regional championships will take place from 16 to 17 April 2011 with exception of the South German Championship which will be held one week earlier.The Northern regionals will be hosted by Debattierclub Osnabrück, a society still not much older than a year. Convener of the Southern regionals is going to be Debattierclub Bayreuth which is located in Franconia. Host of the Eastern regionals will be Klartext Halle, acting Eastern regional champion and German debating champion of 2008. Stage to the Western regionals will be Frankfurt by the river Main, hosted by Debattierclub ...
Mar 10th, 2011 | By | Category: Turniere, VDCH | mit 26 Kommentaren

Bayreuth saves the SDM!

Bayreuth saves the SDM! The Southern German championship (SDM) 2011 will be staged in Bayreuth. After DebattierClub St. Gallen had to cancel their plans to host the SDM – due to an international conference they have no rooms for prelims – Debattierclub Bayreuth (DCBT) will now fill in for the Swiss to save the competition for the southern part of German speaking debate societies. However, accommodating debaters appropriately makes it necessary to reschedule that tournament: Debaters from southern Germany, Austria, Switzerland and northern Italy will have to come to Bayreuth on the weekend of 9 and 10 April. Usually being held simultaneously, the other regional ...
Feb 8th, 2011 | By | Category: Termine, Turniere | Comments Off on Bayreuth saves the SDM!

ZEIT DEBATTE Mainz Pickings 3

Juroren bei der Ausübung ihrer Pflicht - gut zuhören: Oliver Hörtensteiner und Pauline Leopold (Foto: Ha Dinh Van)This article is not available in English, please browse the German version of this bit to see some of the photos taken at ZEIT DEBATTE Mainz 2011. ...
Jan 25th, 2011 | By | Category: Presseschau, Turniere | Comments Off on ZEIT DEBATTE Mainz Pickings 3

A pub, a castle, a beach – This was the Masters’ Cup 2010

A pub, a castle, a beach - This was the Masters' Cup 2010Eisenach is neither very big nor is it very exciting. Out-of-towners attract attention. A bewildered taxi driver asks a party-hungry debater whether he has arrived today. He has not. He has arrived here the day before. What for? To do the same thing, the Deutsche Debattiergesellschaft  (DDG), the German alumni association of former student debaters, has done every year in this small but lovely Thuringian town: Convene its Masters’ Cup. [caption id="attachment_5488" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Die neu eingeführten Manschettenknöpfe mit DDG-Vereinsabzeichen. Daneben gibt es auch Pins fürs Revers und Magnetpins. (Foto: Oliver Hörtensteiner)"][/caption] All DDG members are allowed to compete, all others are ...
Sep 29th, 2010 | By | Category: DDG, Turniere | Mit einem Kommentar

New executive board of Deutsche Debattiergesellschaft

New executive board of Deutsche Debattiergesellschaft The German Debating Society for Alumni Deutsche Debattiergesellschaft (DDG) has elected a new executive board. Gudrun Lux is now president, Stefan Hübner, Oliver Hörtensteiner and Isabelle Loewe her deputies. [caption id="attachment_5457" align="alignleft" width="288" caption="The new executive board of DDG: Gudrun, Isa, Stefan and Oliver. (Foto: Anna Hörtensteiner)"][/caption] ...
Sep 26th, 2010 | By | Category: DDG | Mit einem Kommentar

Makeover for DDG’s web presence

The web presence of the Deutsche Debattiergesellschaft (DDG), the German alumni association for debaters, hosts a now broadened range of pages for those interested in the history of the alumni association, the various events such as the traditional Masters’ Cup or the award for the up-and-coming debaters at the German debating championships where just recently Florian Umscheid was elected best junior speaker by the DDG members present since he convinced the jury with his wit and deep analysis. Even freshmen and newcomers to the alumni association will find some things to explore on the re-fashioned DDG pages: the present executive board ...
Aug 1st, 2010 | By | Category: DDG | mit 2 Kommentaren

Bücher Sirius unterstützt ein Turnier in der kommenden Saison: Bonn erhält den Zuschlag!

Bücher Sirius unterstützt ein Turnier in der kommenden Saison: Bonn erhält den Zuschlag!Bücher Sirius hat am ersten Abend der Deutschen Debattiermeisterschaft (DDM) 2010 einen Scheck übergeben: Mit 500 Euro unterstützt die Garchinger Buchhandlung den VDCH - die Unterstützung ist zweckgebunden für eine Debattierturnier des Debattierclub Bonn. ...
Jun 4th, 2010 | By | Category: VDCH | Comments Off on Bücher Sirius unterstützt ein Turnier in der kommenden Saison: Bonn erhält den Zuschlag!

Ad Fontes: Die Turnierserie kehrte heim! – Einblicke in die ZEIT DEBATTE Tübingen 2010

Ad Fontes: Die Turnierserie kehrte heim! - Einblicke in die ZEIT DEBATTE Tübingen 2010"Danke, dass du OPD erfunden hast!", verabschiedete sich ein Stuttgarter Debattant am vergangenen Sonntag nach der ZEIT DEBATTE in Tübingen von Michael Hoppmann, dem Godfather des deutschsprachigen Debattierens. Unter dem Motto "Nur die Vernunft lehrt schweigen. Das Herz lehrt reden." hatte am Wochenende die Streitkultur Tübingen zum Debattierturnier an den Neckar geladen: Knapp 100 Redner aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz gaben sich hier ein Stelldichein, ja, gar aus Bozen und Boston reisten Debattanten an, um bei der ZEIT DEBATTE in Tübingen dabei zu sein. "Die Turnierserie kehrt heim" schreiben die Organisatoren von der Streitkultur auf ihre Homepage, denn die ...
May 17th, 2010 | By | Category: Turniere, VDCH | mit 4 Kommentaren

ZEIT DEBATTE Tübingen Nachlese 2