Posts Tagged ‘ Hildebrandt ’

They made it: World record in non-stop debating

Tübingen made it: A new world record in non-stop debating! The brave debaters are Pauline Leopold, Steffen Jenner (runner-ups to this year's German Debating Championship), Peter Croonenbroeck (German champion 2010), Sebastian Frankenberger (chair of the German party ÖPD), Boris Konrad (world record in competitive memory) and Roman Kremer (candidate for Die Piraten in the German Federal State of Baden-Württemberg). They have been debating 44 hours without a break. Please read the German version of this to learn about the motions and other details.
Jun 26th, 2011 | By | Category: Themen | mit 2 Kommentaren

ZEIT DEBATTE Mainz: Break to finals

Please read the German version of this article to find out who broke to semi-finals at ZEIT DEBATTE Mainz!
Jan 15th, 2011 | By | Category: Turniere | Comments Off on ZEIT DEBATTE Mainz: Break to finals

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