Posts Tagged ‘ Hertlein ’

EUDC 2015 – The first two days

EUDC 2015 - The first two daysThe first three days and six open rounds of the European Universities Debating Championships are already over. Tomorrow the competing teams will debate three more rounds without getting the results before the break will be announced at the Pratersauna.The Adjudication Team published the resultes in a Google-Doc, which is available online.The results of competing teams of debating societies of the VDCH - Association of German Speaking University Debating Societies are listed here:[caption id="attachment_27073" align="alignright" width="400"] Registration Desk on the first day of Vienna EUDC 2015. (c) Vienna EUDC 2015[/caption]Berlin A - 9 points (Florian Grünwald and Tanja Maximow, Berlin)Berlin B - 8 points ...
Aug 4th, 2015 | By | Category: International, Turniere | Mit einem Kommentar

Vienna EUDC 2015 – Starting Soon

Vienna EUDC 2015 – Starting SoonFrom coming Sunday on, the European Debating Championship (EUDC) 2015 in Vienna will take place. The tournament starts on August 2 and ends on Saturday, August 8. The schedule includes nine preliminary rounds, semi-finals and finals among dinners, parties and a Council meeting.Being the second biggest debating tournament worldwide after the World Championship and organized by the Vienna Debating Society, a member of the German debating circuit, it will have over 650 participants arriving from all over Europe.As usual with big international tournaments, there will be equity guidelines, whoch can be read in the current equity briefing. They deal with ...
Aug 1st, 2015 | By | Category: International, Turniere | mit 2 Kommentaren

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