Posts Tagged ‘ Gilitschenski ’

MDD 2012: Break to semis

68 teams, seven prelims and a quarters round make up for semis in Vienna. The following eight teams made it to semis of the German language debating championship (Meisterschaft im deutschsprachigen Debattieren or MDD): Berlin Stadt im Norden (Annette Kirste, Julian Ohm) Mainz Anton (Andrea Gau, Daniil Pakhomenko) Stuttgart CNC (Michael Saliba, Igor Gilitschenski) Berlin Flauschpfote (Hauke Blume, Niels Schröter) MS Hamburg Loki (Kira Lancker, Barbara Schunicht) Berlin HS (Johannes Häger, Georg Sommerfeld) Berlin Babes Bolay (Dessislava Kirova, Juliane Mendelsohn) München Alpha (Valerio Morelli, Marco Witzmann) (This is not a ranking. ) Learn more about MDD in the German version of this article and follow us on Facebook and Twitter ...
Jun 9th, 2012 | By | Category: Themen, Turniere, VDCH | Mit einem Kommentar

Stuttgart gewinnt die ZEIT DEBATTE in Münster

Stuttgart gewinnt die ZEIT DEBATTE in Münster 
May 13th, 2012 | By | Category: Turniere | mit 7 Kommentaren

Käsespätzle and dirndl – Flo Prischl on the Southern German regional SDM

Käsespätzle and dirndl – Flo Prischl on the Southern German regional SDM We are very sorry, this article is not yet available in English. Please read the German version to learn more about käsespätzle, org comm wearing dirndl and how Florian Prischl got sun burnt during a debate tournament. ...
Apr 14th, 2011 | By | Category: Themen, Turniere | Comments Off on Käsespätzle and dirndl – Flo Prischl on the Southern German regional SDM

One weekend, many motions

This weekend, VDCH debaters took part in tournaments in Stuttgart and Leeds. On top of that, our neighbors in the Netherlands have also been competing at a tournament. Three tournaments, three CA teams, three languages. Find all motions of this weekend here. Additionally, we kindly ask you, our much appreciated readers, to do us a favor: Which motion did you find the most interesting, the best to debate, the most exciting? Which one did you think was no good idea? Please do not hesitate to leave your comments below and vote for your favorite motion. ...
Mar 13th, 2011 | By | Category: Themen, Turniere | mit 5 Kommentaren

ZEIT DEBATTE Stuttgart: Göttingen wins!

Göttingen (Nicolas Friebe and David Lamouroux) won the final of ZEIT DEBATTE Stuttgart 2011! Best Speaker Award goes to Katharina Wagner from Dresden Debating Union. Please read more on this in the German version of this article. ...
Mar 13th, 2011 | By | Category: Themen, Turniere | mit 13 Kommentaren

ZEIT DEBATTE Stuttgart: Break Into Final

Please read the German version of this article to find out who broke to the Grand Final at ZEIT DEBATTE Stuttgart! ...
Mar 13th, 2011 | By | Category: Turniere | mit 8 Kommentaren

ZEIT DEBATTE Stuttgart: Break to semi-finals

Please read the German version of this article to find out who broke to semi-finals at ZEIT DEBATTE Stuttgart! ...
Mar 12th, 2011 | By | Category: Themen, Turniere | Mit einem Kommentar

“A guade Ausred isch an Baddza wert”: Bühne frei für die ZEIT DEBATTE Stuttgart

This article is not yet available in English, please check back later or read the German version.
Mar 10th, 2011 | By | Category: Turniere, VDCH | Comments Off on “A guade Ausred isch an Baddza wert”: Bühne frei für die ZEIT DEBATTE Stuttgart

ZEIT DEBATTE Stuttgart: Daniel Grotzky announced CA

Daniel Grotzky has been announced CA for ZEIT DEBATTE Stuttgart. As Nils Haneklaus from Debattierclub Stuttgart (DCS) informed Achte Minute, Daniel is going to replace Andrea Gau. Daniel is one of the most experienced debaters in Germany, he has been CA of Southern German Championships 2007 and 2010 and of the German Championship 2010. In the season of 2007/2008 Daniel was president of VDCH, the Association of Debating Societies at Universities, 2008/2009 of the German Debating Society for Alumni (DDG). Originally associated to Debattierclub München (Munich), he is now committed to debating in Switzerland since he works in ...
Feb 4th, 2011 | By | Category: Turniere | mit 4 Kommentaren

Registration open for ZEIT DEBATTE Stuttgart 2011

The next big event of the ZEIT DEBATTEN open its registration: Nils Haneklaus from Debattierclub Stuttgart just opened registration for the ZEIT DEBATTE which will be held in Stuttgart from 11th to 13th March. ...
Jan 24th, 2011 | By | Category: Turniere, VDCH | Comments Off on Registration open for ZEIT DEBATTE Stuttgart 2011

New club champion in Stuttgart

New club champion in StuttgartNils Haneklaus and Kai Nosbüsch are the new champions of Debattierclub Stuttgart (DCS)! They won the final at Internationales Zentrum in Vaihingen and defeated Isabel Spieth and Sven Hein. The motion read "This house would penalise blasphemy", as is reported on the DCS website. The DCS follows a sophisticated system to nominate the semi-finalists of their internal championship every semester. Debaters have to take part in the weekly debates regularly, either as speaker or as judge, and collect points. At the end of the semester, the club champion is to be found in a semi final and final held in the ...
Nov 4th, 2010 | By | Category: News of debating clubs | mit 2 Kommentaren

10th season of ZEIT DEBATTEN series

10th season of ZEIT DEBATTEN seriesThe next season of the German debating ZEIT DEBATTEN series is set: the general assembly of VDCH, the Association of Debating Societies at Universities, came together in August and decided upon dates and locations of four ZEIT DEBATTEN tournaments, four regional championships and the German debating championship (DDM) 2011. An overview over the coming season 2010/11 is provided here: ...
Aug 27th, 2010 | By | Category: Turniere, VDCH | mit 3 Kommentaren

DDM 2010 Nachlese 2

DDM 2010 Nachlese 2Weiter geht's im fröhlichen Berichtereigen: Ein paar Zeitungen schreiben ausführlich über die Deutsche Debattiermeisterschaft (DDM) 2010 und die ersten Clubberichte sind online. Das ganze hat Euch die Achte Minute mit ein paar Bildern garniert. Viel Spaß beim Lesen! ...
Jun 8th, 2010 | By | Category: Presseschau, Turniere, VDCH | Comments Off on DDM 2010 Nachlese 2

Jan Lüken und Yara Molthan gewinnen Freundschaftsturnier in Stuttgart

Jan Lüken (WFI Debattierclub Ingolstadt) und Yara Molthan (Debattierclub Stuttgart) haben das erste Freundschaftsturnier des Debattierclub Stuttgart (DCS) am 10. April gewonnen. Sie setzten sich im Finale zum Thema "Dieses Haus fordert anonymisierte Bewerbungsverfahren" gegen Reinhold Koch und Xenia Zhykhar vom Debattierclub München, Isabelle Spieth und Kai Nosbüsch (beide DCS) sowie  Lorena von Gordon (Reutlingen) und Peter Croonenbroeck (Streitkultur Tübingen) durch. In vier Vorrunden hatten sich bei dem SDM-Vorbereitungsturnier insgesamt zwölf Teams miteinander gemessen. Die Vorrundenthemen waren: 1. Vorrunde: Dieses Haus würde sämtliche Drogen legalisieren. 2. Vorrunde: Dieses Haus fordert Gehaltsobergrenzen für Spitzensportler. 3. Vorrunde: Dieses Haus würde den Teilchenbeschleuniger am Großforschungszentrum CERN außer Betrieb nehmen. 4. Vorrunde: ...
Apr 11th, 2010 | By | Category: News of debating clubs, Turniere | Comments Off on Jan Lüken und Yara Molthan gewinnen Freundschaftsturnier in Stuttgart

Trainings- und Freundschaftsturnier des Debattierclub Stuttgart

Trainings- und Freundschaftsturnier des Debattierclub StuttgartAm Samstag, 10. April, lädt der Debattierclub Stuttgart zur einem Trainings- und Freundschaftsturnier ein. Geplant ist ein eintägiges Turnier mit vier Vorrunden und direktem Break ins Finale. Zur Vorbereitung auf die Süddeutsche Meisterschaft eine Woche später in München wird im British Parlamentary Style (BPS) debattiert. Freundschaftsturnier des DC Stuttgart Samstag, 10. April, ab 9 Uhr, Finale etwa 22 Uhr in Stuttgart, Internationales Zentrum, Pfaffenwaldring 60, 70569 Stuttgart-Vaihingen) Weitere Informationen: Aktualisierung 6. April: Der Debattierclub Stuttgart hat Igor Gilitschenski und Michael Saliba als Chefjuroren benannt. Teilnehmen werden neben drei Stuttgarter Teams neun Teams aus Heidelberg (Debating), Karlsruhe, München, Tübingen, Reutlingen und Ingolstadt. Die Teilnahme kostet 5 Euro ...
Mar 23rd, 2010 | By | Category: News of debating clubs, Termine, Turniere | Comments Off on Trainings- und Freundschaftsturnier des Debattierclub Stuttgart

ZEIT DEBATTE Wien Nachlese 2

Der Debattierclub Stuttgart hat einen Bericht über die ZEIT DEBATTE Wien 2010 aus Stuttgarter Sicht veröffentlicht. ...
Mar 10th, 2010 | By | Category: Presseschau, Turniere | Comments Off on ZEIT DEBATTE Wien Nachlese 2

ZEIT DEBATTE Stuttgart Nachlese 1

Das Tab ist online, Auszüge aus dem "Turniertagebuch" sind auch schon im Netz zu finden und München schreibt als erster Club einen Turnierbericht. Hier im Überblick. ...
Jan 25th, 2010 | By | Category: Turniere | Comments Off on ZEIT DEBATTE Stuttgart Nachlese 1

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