Posts Tagged ‘ Giersdorf ’
ZEIT DEBATTE Mainz: Leipzig wins final!
Leipzig won the final of ZEIT DEBATTE Mainz 2011! Please read more on this in the German version of this article.
Registration open for ZEIT DEBATTE Mainz 2011
The next big event of the ZEIT DEBATTEN series is just around the corner: Nicolas Eberle, president of Debattierclub Johannes Gutenberg (DCJG), announced registration open for the ZEIT DEBATTE in Mainz from 14 to 16 January. The convenors allure to German speaking debaters with a system new to the format of OPD (open parliamentary debate) which allows all speakers to enjoy five debates instead of the usual three. On top of that, they show great hospitality so typical for Rhineland-Palatinate: accommodation in a four-star hotel, free cider for everybody, winetasting under the guidance of the wine queen representing the wine-growing ...
The adjudicator, an unknown being
Please read the German version of this article on the adjudication workshop held in Wiesbaden from 26 to 28 November hosted by the Association of Debating Societies at Universities (VDCH).
Nov 29th, 2010 |
By Xenia Zhykhar |
Category: VDCH |
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Streitkultur Cup 2010
Mixed teams of all kind are welcome at the Streitkultur Cup 2010. That comprises novices and experienced speakers, male and female debaters, and even debaters from different institutions. The most renowned open competition on the German speaking debating circuit will take place on 11 December in Tübingen and will be held in the format of OPD (open parliamentary debate, a format developed by the hosting society), hence teams of three may now register via vorstand[at]
Please let your host, the famous Streitkultur Tübingen, know how many teams your institution is going to send to the tournament. Registration fees are 10 Euros ...
Nov 2nd, 2010 |
By Anja Pfeffermann |
Category: Termine, Turniere |
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VDCH offers adjudication workshop
VDCH, the Association of Debating Societies at Universities, stages the first adjudication workshop of the current season 2010/2011 from 26 to 28 November 2010, the venue will be Wiesbaden by the river Rhine. Participants will be taught adjudication by Marcel Giersdorf (Mainz), Lukas Haffert (Cologne) and Torsten Rössing (Halle). Set on the schedule are OPD, BPS and giving feedback which will be practiced through exercises.
Fees for participants are 10 Euros including the workshop, accommodation and meals. In addition, a guided tour through Wiesbaden is offered on Friday night. Saturday comes with a surprise in Mainz, just across the river.
Debaters from ...
Oct 16th, 2010 |
By Gudrun Lux |
Category: Termine, VDCH |
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10th season of ZEIT DEBATTEN series
The next season of the German debating ZEIT DEBATTEN series is set: the general assembly of VDCH, the Association of Debating Societies at Universities, came together in August and decided upon dates and locations of four ZEIT DEBATTEN tournaments, four regional championships and the German debating championship (DDM) 2011. An overview over the coming season 2010/11 is provided here: ...
DDM-Chefjuroren offenbaren ihre Debattiergeheimnisse
Daniel Grotzky, Marcel Giersdorf und Sebastian Berg, die Chefjuroren der Deutschen Debattiermeisterschaft (DDM) 2010 verraten im Videointerview, wie sie zum Debattieren kamen, was für sie gutes Reden und Jurieren ausmacht und vieles mehr. Die Interviews führten Knut Knudsen und Julian Schneider vom Debattierclub Münster. Hier lernt Ihr die DDM-Chefjuroren kennen! Seht selbst! ...
DDM 2010: Juroren gesucht
Chefjuroren und Cheforganisatoren der Deutschen Debattiermeisterschaft (DDM) suchen noch Jurorinnen und Juroren für das Turnier. Wer Interesse hat, bei der DDM zu jurieren, kann sich an debating[at] wenden. Die DDM 2010 wird im Debattierformat BPS ausgetragen.
Die DDM 2010 wird von 3. bis 6. Juni vom Verband der Debattierclubs an Hochschulen e. V. (VDCH) im Rahmen der ZEIT-DEBATTEN-Serie im westfälischen Münster veranstaltet. Die Organisation hat im Auftrag des VDCH der Debattierclub Münster übernommen. Das Turnier steht unter dem Motto "Reden und reden lassen". Die inhaltliche Betreuung liegt beim ...
May 29th, 2010 |
By Gudrun Lux |
Category: Turniere, VDCH |
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