Posts Tagged ‘ Gaedeke ’
Mannheim wins EBS Open
Last weekend, the first EBS Open organized by Bhavesh Agarval took place in Wiesbaden. There were only 16 teams due to the fact that a lot of teams canceled only a few days before the tournament. However, all participants were happy with the small EBS Open! Chief Adjudicators were Marietta Gädeke and Michael Shapira.
R1: THW make EU voting compulsory.
R2: You are a 19 year old boy who just finished his Abitur. As this boy, THW join the Bundeswehr (an infoslide was provided).
R3: THW ban private Universities.
R4: THW grant all Ethnic Germans a full Right of Return (an infoslide was provided as ...
Oct 16th, 2013 |
By Annette Kirste |
Category: International, Turniere |
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EBS Open 2013

Aug 25th, 2013 |
By Achte Minute |
Category: News of debating clubs, Termine, Turniere |
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MDD 2012: Tobias Kube awarded best junior speaker
Tobias Kube from Marburg was awarded best junior speaker at this year's German language debating championship (Meisterschaft im deutschsprachigen Debattieren or MDD) in Vienna. This award is a cup engraved with the names of all former laureates. It is assigned by the German alumni debating society DDG (short for Deutsche Debattiergesellschaft) since 2004. Please learn more about DDG's committment in the MDD in the German version of this article.
Jun 13th, 2012 |
By Achte Minute |
Category: DDG, Turniere |
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