Posts Tagged ‘ Cambridge ’

Stanford-Yale wins Cambridge Women’s Open

Stanford-Yale wins Cambridge Women's Open[caption id="attachment_33036" align="alignleft" width="400"] The champions of Cambridge Women's Open, left to right: Marina Tan, of Yale, and Bobbi Leet, of Stanford. photo credit: Marina Tan[/caption] Yale/Stanford LT (Bobbi Leet, Marina Tan) have won Cambridge Women's Open 2017 on the motion that "This house regrets the idealisation of motherhood" from Closing Opposition. In Opening Government was Bad at feminism motions but trying (Lucía Arce, Rachel O'Nunain); in Opening Opposition was LSE sarah or yings (Sarah Tay, Ciara Mitchell); and in Closing Government was the accurately-named More Women Here than in Oxbridge Finals (Melda Eren, Valerie Lim). Judging the final round was a ...
Nov 27th, 2017 | By | Category: International, News of debating clubs, Turniere | Comments Off on Stanford-Yale wins Cambridge Women’s Open

Tel Aviv, Munich win the Cambridge IV

Tel Aviv, Munich win the Cambridge IVThe Cambridge IV 2017 preliminary rounds concluded similar to the Oxford IV, with Tel Aviv AD again breaking first, this time on 13 points. Dan Lahav again topped the open speaker tab - this time accompanied by Darion Hotan of KCL A, both averaging an 83.6 that begged belief. Dan Lahav was once again the top ESL speaker. Xavier Redmond, of Oxford RK, was the top novice speaker with an average of 79. In the final round, Tel Aviv AD (Ayal Hayut-Man, Dan Lahav) won from Opening Government defending the motion that "This house believes that it is always immoral to ...
Nov 27th, 2017 | By | Category: International, News of debating clubs, Turniere | Comments Off on Tel Aviv, Munich win the Cambridge IV

Tim Squirrell: Why Free Speech isn’t absolute and it’s okay to be vulnerable

Tim Squirrell: Why Free Speech isn’t absolute and it’s okay to be vulnerableThe cancellation of a public debate in Oxford on the topic "This House believes Britain's abortion culture hurts us all" caused a controversial and emotional debate in the United Kingdom. After Tim Squirrell, current president of the Cambridge Union Society, published an article in the students' newspaper "The Tab," saying, "it’s about time we recognised that and started thinking responsibly and considerately about freedom of speech," he was exposed to hostilities. Tim allowed us to republish his latest article from his blog "Squirrelling the Motion" that reflects on the ongoing discussion. Besides offering an overview on the events of the ...
Nov 26th, 2014 | By | Category: Debattieren in der Öffentlichkeit, Mittwochs-Feature, Politik und Gesellschaft | Comments Off on Tim Squirrell: Why Free Speech isn’t absolute and it’s okay to be vulnerable

Cambridge IV 2012

The Cambridge Union Society invites to this year’s Cambridge IV - one of the most prestigious competitions in the debating world - from November 16 to 17. Fine judging and motions will be provided by chief adjudicators Viktor Finkel (world champion 2011),  Jack Watson (twice euros final panalist) and deputy chief adjudicators  Rebecca Meredith and Germany's Isabelle Fischer (née Loewe). Reg fee ist 85 British Pounds per team and includes five rounds of seven minute speeches, open break to quarter finals and ESL break to semi-finals, a Black tie Social (Pack your tuxedoes!) on Saturday as well as free drinks and a ...
Aug 2nd, 2012 | By | Category: Termine, Turniere | Comments Off on Cambridge IV 2012

Girls only – Cambridge Women’s Open 2011

Girls only - Cambridge Women's Open 2011It's women only when the Cambridge Union Society invites female debaters to the Cambridge Women's Open 2011. The Oxford Union showed the way with their Women's Open in spring, now the ladies of Cambridge follow them: The girls-only tournament will take place in Cambridge on 25 and 26 February. Chief adjudicator is Mary Nugent, convenors are Natalie Smith and Maria English. Mary and Natalie won this year's Women's Open at Oxford in spring. Crash for the Cambridge competition will be available from female hosts. Language is English, the format will be BPS. Registration is open from New Year 2011, please ...
Nov 28th, 2010 | By | Category: Turniere | mit 4 Kommentaren

Cambridge IV 2010: Monash wins / Zagreb to bid for WUDC 2013

Cambridge IV 2010: Monash wins / Zagreb to bid for WUDC 2013In the grand final on Saturday evening, Victor Finkel and Fiona Prowse of Monash A won the Cambridge IV 2010 as opening opposition in the final debate on the motion “This house believes in the virtue of a disproportional military response”. Monash A prevailed over Durham A (Pam Cohn and Guy Miscampbell), Manchester A (Sam Block and James Dixon) and Sydney Union A (Tim Mooney and Naomi Hart). Monash University is based in Melbourne, Australia. Shortly before, Rob Honig and Ali Al Khatib as Leiden B had won the ESL final (i.e. the category for speakers of “English as ...
Nov 23rd, 2010 | By | Category: Themen, Turniere | Mit einem Kommentar

Berlin presents Worlds bid

The Berlin Debating Union (BDU) has made a decision: They want to bring the Worlds to Germany! On Saturday, Patrick Ehmann, John Eltringham and Cloud Ramasendaran are going to present their bid for convening the World Universities Debating Championships at the Oxford IV. The support of VDCH, the Association of Debating Societies at Universities, facilitated the decision of Berlin Debating Union: “Only because we know we have the German debating circuit to support us we dare to do this,” BDU president Patrick admits. He is even more delighted to have other German debaters at the Oxford IV to back BDU’s presentation ...
Nov 9th, 2010 | By | Category: Turniere, VDCH | mit 9 Kommentaren

Cambridge IV 2010

Parallel zur Baden-Württembergischen Meisterschaft wird das Cambridge IV 2010 ausgetragen. 100 Teams treten am Freitag, 19. und Samstag, 20. November dort an - und machen das Intervarsity zu einem der größten Debattierturniere Europas. Es gibt fünf Vorrunden, gebreakt wird ins Viertelfinale beziehungsweise für Nichtmuttersprachler (ESL) ins ESL-Halbfinale. Als Chefjuroren konnten die beiden Weltmeisterschaftsfinalisten Art Ward und Daniel Warents gewonnen werden. Die Teilnahme kostet 80 Britische Pfund (umgerechnet etwa 97 Euro), im Betrag enthalten sind Übernachtung im "Crash"-Modus (Schlafsack, Isomatte mitbringen), Frühstück und Getränke. Zusätzlich kann für 20 Pfund pro Team noch ein ...
Jun 9th, 2010 | By | Category: Termine, Turniere | Comments Off on Cambridge IV 2010

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