Posts Tagged ‘ Burns ’

Chennai Worlds 2014: First impressions of the WUDC

Chennai Worlds 2014: First impressions of the WUDCFrom the 26th of December 2013 until the 4th of January 2014, the biggest and most important international tournament of the year, the World Universities Debating Championship (WUDC), takes place in Chennai, India. After participants of all over the world arrived in the Indian megacity on the 26th and 27th of December, the tournament officially began on the 28th with the Grand Opening. On the 29th, the first three preliminary rounds took place – time to present a first summary and portray some impressions. Accomodation Most of the participants are accommodated in 2- to 3-bed rooms in the five-star hotels of the ...
Dec 30th, 2013 | By | Category: International, Turniere | Comments Off on Chennai Worlds 2014: First impressions of the WUDC

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