Maastricht Novice 2016 was won by "The Dynamic Duo" (Helena Hecke, Tilbury House and Diogo Silva, Lund) in Closing Government on the motion "THW press the button" (Infoslide: There is a button. If pressed, nuclear weapons no longer function. This would be immediately detected by owners of said weapons. If you do not press the button immediately, it will disappear.)
They competed against Debate Duo (Asena Baykal and Helena Depaepe, Maastricht) in Opening Government, RDaweSome (Rayo Vermeij and Moon van der Pas, Maastricht) in Opening Opposition and Team Gualg (Dino Wildi and Milec Gadzala) in Closing Opposition in the final, which was adjudicated by Srdjan Milec (chair), Lucy Lester, Jelte Schievelz and ...