Posts Tagged ‘ Aberystwyth ’

UWMU win Aberystwyth Open

UWMU win Aberystwyth Open[caption id="attachment_31824" align="alignleft" width="215"] Winners of the Aberystwyth Open - Katrin Fallman (left) and Tommy Cave (right) - © Craig McDonald[/caption] Congratulations to ‘The Anti-Frederalist League’ (Tommy Cave, Katrin Fallman, University of West Midlands Union (Warwick and Birmingham)) for winning the Aberystwyth Open 2017. They won the final from Closing Government defeating ‘Sounds like your analysis needs a bit more nuance’ (Freddie Marshall, Warwick, Dean Foley, Manchester) in Opening Government, ‘Spanish Armanda’ (Jim McKenna, UCL, and Armand Lluka, Nottingham Trent) in Opening Opposition and ‘What do you mean this isn’t Glasgow?’ (Rayne Goddard, Hull, Abbie Green, Liverpool) in Closing Opposition on ...
Apr 12th, 2017 | By | Category: International, News of debating clubs, Turniere | Comments Off on UWMU win Aberystwyth Open

Aberystwyth Open 2011

The Aberystwyth Debating Union invites to the Aberystwyth Open 2011, taking place on the 2nd of April 2011 at the Welsh Coast. Chief Adjudicator is going to be Matt Szeto, the format will be British Parliamentary. The Residents of Aberystwyth call their city simply “Aber” – it´s a Welsh seaside resort with approximately eleventhousand five hundred inhabitants, of which Prince Charles was one of them: he studied at the Aberystwyth University, whose Debating Union is hosting the ABER OPEN 2011. Because of the city being small, the organizers were kind enough to provide debaters with a “Traveler´s Guide to Wales”, ...
Dec 13th, 2010 | By | Category: Termine, Turniere | Comments Off on Aberystwyth Open 2011

Aberystwyth Open 2010

Debattieren kann einen in die Städte mit den komischsten Namen bringen. Zum Beispiel nach  Aberystwyth (Extra-Service der Achten Minute an dieser Stelle: Phonetisch sieht das ganze so aus: aberˈəstwɪθ).  Dort findet am 8./9. Mai das Aberystwyth Open 2010 statt. Es wird im Debattierformat BPS ausgetragen, einfache Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten ("Crash") können von den Organisatoren zu Verfügung gestellt werden. Die Anmeldung ist noch nicht eröffnet. Informationen können erfragt werden bei clp8[at] Aberystwyth ist übrigens ein walisisches Nest mit elfeinhalbtausend Einwohnern, aber immerhin: Ein Seebad. Und Absolvent der Universität, deren Debattierclub zum Turnier lädt, ist unter anderem der britische Thronfolger Prinz Charles.
Feb 18th, 2010 | By | Category: Termine, Turniere | Comments Off on Aberystwyth Open 2010

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