Posts Tagged ‘ Abagela ’

Debating at WUDC 2015: The VDCH-Teams

Debating at WUDC 2015: The VDCH-Teams Yesterday the 35th World University Debating Championships were officially started by the grand Opening Ceremony. The German speaking debating circuit is represented by a strong delegation this year. Seven members of the VDCH – the Association of German Speaking University Debating Societies are comprised of ten teams and ten adjudicators. Debating societies Berlin Debating Union (BDU, Berlin), Debattierclub Goethes Faust Frankfurt (Frankfurt), Debattierclub Kiel, Debattierclub München (Munich), Debattierclub Münster, Wortgefechte Potsdam, Debattierklub Wien (Vienna). [caption id="attachment_25445" align="alignright" width="400"] The Opening Ceremony. © 2014 Matthias Carcasona[/caption] Debate teams BDU A: Philip Schröder, Christina Dexel BDU B: Lilian Seffer, Alexander Hans BDU C: Pegah Maham, Christof Kebschull Frankfurt A: Andreas Dreher, Sven Schuppener Kiel ...
Dec 29th, 2014 | By | Category: International, Turniere | Mit einem Kommentar

“We just want to debate as well as possible” – our German and Austrian teams competing

Or may be here?[caption id="attachment_14010" align="alignright" width="400"] Where do they hide among  Announcement Hall der WUDC 2013[/caption] "I was really eager to be part of the largest debating tournament on earth," says Lucas Danco. The 20-year old experiences his first Worlds and is enthusiastic. "It's totally fascinating to see so many different people from so many different cultures come together and compete by the same rules. " Lucas is one of 28 speakers from VDCH clubs that compete at the Worlds in Berlin. The umbrella association VDCH (Verband der Debattierclubs an Hochschulen, engl. Association of Debating Societies at Universities) represents more than 70 debating societies ...
Dec 31st, 2012 | By | Category: International, Menschen | Mit einem Kommentar

Kiel’s deb soc speaking at Kieler Woche

Kiel's deb soc speaking at Kieler WocheThe biggest festival in northern Europe - that's Kieler Woche. The debating society of the University of Kiel gave a debate there - please read the German version of this article to learn about the details.
Jun 26th, 2011 | By | Category: News of debating clubs | Comments Off on Kiel’s deb soc speaking at Kieler Woche

Regional German Championships 2011: Breaks to semis in East, West and North

East, West and North have debated all day long in Halle, Frankfurt and Osnabrück to select the best debaters at German regional championships. Format of this year's regionals is OPD, or Offene Parlamentarische Debatte (open parliamentary debate). Achte Minute has all the results for you. ...
Apr 17th, 2011 | By | Category: Themen, Turniere, VDCH | mit 26 Kommentaren

On travelling to a very remote area – That was ZEIT DEBATTE Greifswald

“How far have you travelled?“is the starting sentence into any kind of conversation this weekend. It is the kick-off into the new season of ZEIT DEBATTEN series at Greifswald. Flirts, smalltalk - they all start with the "How long did it take you to get here" question. Indeed, the Hanseatic town by the Bodden, a bay at the Baltic Sea, is located in quite a remote area. However, about 65 debaters found their ways to Greifswald. Many of them split their journey - it took them a two-day's travel via Berlin or Hamburg to get to Meck-Pomm. To read more on ...
Nov 4th, 2010 | By | Category: Menschen, Turniere, VDCH | Comments Off on On travelling to a very remote area – That was ZEIT DEBATTE Greifswald

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