Stockholm wins Ota Open

Datum: Feb 19th, 2017
Category: International, News of debating clubs, Turniere
From left to right: Lilian Suo, Brian Wong, Rita Chudnovskaya, Jesper Eriksson, Meradjuddin Khan Oidermaa, Eid Jazairi, Ella Jonninen, Ben Shaw and Sara Halonen. - © Lennart Lokstein

From left to right: Lilian Suo, Brian Wong, Rita Chudnovskaya, Jesper Eriksson, Meradjuddin Khan Oidermaa, Eid Jazairi, Ella Jonninen, Ben Shaw and Sara Halonen. – © Lennart Lokstein

At the grand final of the Ota Open 2017, the team Wolf Pack Alpha (Jesper Eriksson, Rita Chudnovskaya – Stockholm) managed to win as opening opposition on the motion “This house believes that major media outlets should seek to recruit individuals who openly support Donald Trump.” They spoke against Otaly Excited (Lilian Luo – Ressu, Brian Wong – Oxford) in opening government, Don’t worry, she’s just my cousin! (Markus Myllymäki, Anna Vilen – Aalto) and Aalto AΩ (Alf Parvi, Oskar Toivonen) in closing opposition. The grand final was adjudicated by Milla Huuskonen (chair), Lennart Lokstein, Ben Shaw, Suvi Häärä and Gustaf Lundgren.

The novice final was won by the team Wolf Pack Omega (Meradjuddin Khan Oidermaa, Eid Jazairi – Stockholm) on the motion “Assuming technology exists, this house would allow individuals to remove memories of their choice.” in closing opposition. They spoke against Backstabbing Stalinists (Dino Wildi – Maastricht, Valtteri Niutanen – Aalto) in opening government, Team Haka (Alexis Kefallinos, Aleksi Niemi – Tampere) in opening opposition and DingDongs (Aishwarya AnupMiranda Wirén – Ressu) in closing government. The novice final was adjudicated by Kaisa Hyry (chair), Joona Suhonen, Sara Halonen and Valtteri Wallden.

Chief adjudicators were Ben Shaw and Sara Halonen, convenor was Joona Suhonen.

Team Tab top 5:

1. Otaly Excited (Brian Wong/Oxford), Lilian Luo (Ressu) – 10/635
2. Aalto AΩ (Alf Parvi, Oskar Toivonen) – 9/639
3. Wolf Pack Alpha (Jesper Eriksson, Rita Chudnovskaya, Stockholm) – 9/629
4. Don’t worry, she’s just my cousin!  (Markus Myllymäki, Anna Vilen) – 9/614
5. None Direction (Laura Paatelainen, Ella Jonninen) – 8/625

Speaker Tab top 10:

1. Brian Wong (Otaly Excited, Oxford) – 81.0
2. Alf Parvi (Aalto AΩ) – 80.5
3. Zhen Im (Kool & the gang, Helsinki) – 79.5
4. Oskar Toivonen (Aalto AΩ) – 79.3
5. Rita Chudnovskaya (Wolf Pack Alpha, Stockholm) – 78.8
6. Ella Jonninen (None Direction, Tampere) – 78.5
6. Jesper Eriksson (Wolf Pack Alpha, Stockholm) – 78.5
8. Pyry Virtanen (Bulls on Parade, Aalto) – 78.3
9. Lilian Luo (Otaly Excited, Ressu) – 77.8
9. Laura Paatelainen (None Direction, Tampere) – 77.8

Top novice speakers were Ella Jonninen first, Lilian Luo second and on a shared third Meradjuddin Khan Oidermaa and Eid Jazairi.


R1: THS demeny voting.
Info text: Demeny Voting: The provision of a political voice for children by allowing parents of guardians to vote on their behalf; i.e. each parent of 4 children will get an additional 2 votes.

R2: TH, as the EU, would issue a directive to ban emission vehicles.
Info text: A directive is a legal act of the European Union, which requires member states to achieve a particular result without dictating the means of achieving that result. It can be distinguished from regulations which are self-executing and do not require any implementing measures. Directives normally leave member states with a certain amount of leeway as to the exact rules to be adopted.
Info text 2: Emission vehicles refers to motorised land transportation that produces CO2 (cars, lorries, motorcycles).

R3: THS the policy of taking away the children of Mafia families.
Info text: When Judge Roberto Di Bella returned to Reggio Calabria in 2011 – the home of one of the most powerful criminal networks in the world – he noticed that the minors standing before him in court were the children of the mafiosi he had put away years earlier.
The judge adopted a new approach: since 2012, about 30 “at risk” minors have been removed from their ‘Ndrangheta families by the juvenile court over which Di Bella presides. In some cases, they have been placed with families in northern Italy, and in others, have been put in youth homes or in the care of anti-mafia organisations.
In all cases at least one parent had a previous conviction.

R4: THBT feminists should produce pornography aimed (though not necessarily exclusively) at heterosexual men.

NF: Assuming technology exists, THW allow individuals to remove memories of their choice.

F: THB that major media outlets should seek to recruit individuals who openly support Donald Trump.


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