5th Malaysian Debate Open

Datum: Oct 2nd, 2012
Category: Termine, Turniere

You went to Manila but didn’t see enough of the South Asian region? You can now catch up and fly to Malaysia to the 5th Malaysian Debate Open in the City of Malakka, the capital of the south-east province of Malaysia. The Debating Society of the Multimedia University of Malakka hosts the tournament from the 8th to the 12th of March 2013 and has a team cap of 124 teams. The Promo-Video promises a tournament in a city that is rich of history. The Malaccan 15th century empire had its rise in in this place which was characterized by Chinese immigration and then followed subsequently by the British, Dutch and German colonial period that left architectural traces throughout the city.

The tournament offers six preliminary rounds, a break to Octos and  a Championship dinner. The OrgComm as well announced  subsidies for those 20 adjudicators that are able to demonstrate that they meet certain criteria such as having breaked into ESL or Main Finals at Worlds, Australs or Asians BP.

The team cap is limited to 124 teams and registration fees are 145,00 US-dollars. Registration starts on 1st October 2012. Any questions to be directed at malaysiadebateopen [at] gmail [dot] com.


  • 5th Malaysian Debate Open
  • 08th to 12th March 2012
  • Format: Asian Parliamentary
  • Team-Cap: 124
  • Registration fee: 145 US-Dollars
  • CA: Omar Salahuddinran

Melanie Sindelar / tr

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