Debate events to be supported
Supporting debate events in any language is the main and common goal of IDEA and OSF. IDEA stands for International Debate Education Association, OSF for Open Society Foundations.Both aim at building democracies that are responsible to their citizens, both do that through supporting debate activities – this time on a very local basis with (limited) financial means. You’re planing a debate event? Or have an innovative idea that needs to be subsidized? Apply now for support! More info is available from the website of OSF.
General standards for assigning subsidies are the following:
- Only groups established for a not-for-profit purpose with a bank account in the name of the group are eligible to apply for funds.
- Debate events eligible for funding must involve undergraduate university students.
- Although proposals must be submitted in English, debate events supported may be in any language.
- Proposals to expand opportunities for debate via web technologies, radio, and television, translation of tournament materials into new languages will be considered.