TCD wins Kyiv Open
The grand final of the Kyiv Open 2020 was won by DU Players (Jack Williams, Gabrielle Fullam) of Trinity College Dublin, speaking in Opening Opposition. Concluding the tournament as finalists were TBC (Lucie Slamova, Triinu Jogi; Warwick/Sheffield) in Opening Government, Both of us actually wanted to speak with Jack (Caoimhin Hamill, Olja Bosnjak; TCD/Zagreb) in Closing Government, and Maastricht A(ges Past) (Katharina Jansen, Alwin Bakker) in Closing Opposition. The final was chaired by Lucy Murphy, judging alongside Shruti Deb, Tin Puljic, Arie Mora and Harmen de Jong.
The top speaker was Caoimhin Hamill, with an average of 81 speaker points.
The Break:
1. Both of us actually wanted to speak with Jack (Olja Bosnjak, Caoimhin Hamill) – 14 pts | 806 spks
2. DU Players (Gabrielle Fullam, Jack Williams) – 12 pts | 797 spks
3. Maastricht A(ges Past) (Katharina Jansen, Alwin Bakker) – 11 pts | 788 spks
4. TBC (Triinu Jogi, Lucie Slamova) – 11 pts | 787 spks
5. Of course I’m not taking a POI, I got fish to catch (Jason Woods, Nathanael Clifton) – 11 pts | 783 spks
6. Look at this material, you can be the judge of that (Alicja Filbier, Mateusz Wojtowicz) – 10 pts | 780 spks
7. It won’t be our Waterloo (Emilia Wojcik, Pawel Sieprawski) – 10 pts | 767 spks
8. Penguin Station (Ritabrata Mitra, Surabhi Chavan) – 9 pts | 772 spks
The Adjudication Break:
Arie Mora, Emma Lucas, Klaudia Maciejewska, Maciej Lulewicz, Lucy Murphy, Miri Muntean, Nikola Michaylov, Shruti Deb, Tin Puljic, Harmen de Jong, Lucia Arce.
Speaker Top-10:
1. Caoimhin Hamill – 405 total spks; 81 avg spks
2. Olja Bosnjak – 401 total spks, 80.2 avg spks
3 Gabrielle Fullam, DU Players A – 399 total spks, 79.8 avg spks
4. Jack Williams, DU Players A – 398 total spks, 79.6 avg spks
5. Katharina Jansen, Maastricht A(ges Past) – 397 total spks, 79.4 avg spks
6. Jason Woods – 395 total spls, 79 avg spks
7. Triina Jogi – 394 total spks, 78.8 avg spks
8. Lucie Slamova – 393 total spks, 78.6 avg spks
9. Mateusz Wojtowicz – 392 total spks, 78.4 avg spks
10. Alwin Bakker – 391 total spks, 78.2 avg spks
Kyiv Open, hosted on the 10th & 11th of October by the Kyiv Debate Union, featured 32 teams and and a break to Semifinals. The Chief Adjudication panel consisted of Lucía Arce Cubas, Emma Lucas and Arie Mora. Lucy Murphy acted as Equity Officer. The tab is available here.
R1: Infoslide: Lifestyle clauses are terms in prenuptial agreements that require a party to pay financial penalties if they violate the clause and end up getting a divorce. Such terms can prohibit a partner from cheating, the division of labour for childcare, the raising of children in a particular religion, the amount of time partners should spend together, or health and lifestyle demands
THW ban lifestyle clauses in prenupital agreements
R2: THBT developing nations should strongly de-prioritise economic strategies which rely on tourism (e.g., no funding to pro-tourism advertisement, strict regulations and taxation for hospitality industry, strongly prioritising other sectors)
R3: THS the attacks of feminists on conservative men based on their masculinity, (e..g. the Shapiro WAP parody, mocking MRAs for being single and living with their parents)
R4: THP to live in a world with one dominant global power, rather than a world with several competing global powers
R5: THR the narrative that we should derive meaning from work
SF: THW grant more power over the EU budget to countries that contribute more money to the budget than they receive in monetary benefits, rather than an equal say in the budget