Results of Zagreb Random Pro Am

Datum: Sep 20th, 2020
Category: International, News of debating clubs, Turniere

The Zagreb Random Pro Am, hosted by the Zagreb 2022 bid’s organising team, was held on August 29th and 30th 2020 and comprised of 32 teams, some registered together and some randomly assigned as partnerships. The Chief Adjudication Panel consisted of Emma Lucas, Matt Hazell, and Lovro Sprem.

The tournament featured three preliminary rounds followed by a break to three finals corresponding with the positions 1 – 4; positions 5 – 8; and positions 9 – 12. Each final debated the same motion: “For crimes with low prosecution and conviction rates (e.g. sexual assault, domestic violence or membership of criminal gangs), THW lower the burden of proof from “beyond reasonable doubt” to “on the balance of probabilities”.”

The Zagreb Final was won by Lucia and Olha (2nd breaking: Lucia Arce Cubas, Olha Polishchuck) in Opening Opposition. Speaking against them were Marika and Hadar (4th breaking: Marika Khuchua, Hadar Goldberg) in Opening Government; Olga and Milos (1st breaking: Olga Shetvsova, Milos Marjanovic) in Closing Government, and Tin and Liam (3rd breaking: Tin Puljic, Liam Urban) in Closing Opposition. The adjudication panel was chaired by David Metz. Judging with them were Lucie Slamova, Cerys Walsh, Rachel Homnick, Aodh O Laoide.

The Split Final was won by Matt and Sophia (5th breaking: Matt Hankin, Sophia Wallo) in Opening Government. Speaking against them were Josh and Sebastien (8th breaking: Josh Freeman, Sebastien Dunne Fulmer) in Opening Opposition, Roel and Deema (6th breaking: Roel Becker, Deema Sous) in Closing Government, and Miriam and Gabrielle (7th breaking: Miriam Kalman, Gabrielle Fullam) in Closing Opposition. The adjudication panel was chaired by Klaudia Maciejewska. Judging with them were Alex Lovell and Lucy McManus.

The Dubrovnik Final was won by Jason and Isabelle (10th breaking: Jason Woods, Isabelle Healy) in Closing Opposition. Speaking against them were Ilija and Novak (12th breaking: Ilija Ivanisevic, Novak Celebic) in Opening Government, Freddie and Aniket (9th breaking: Freddie Marshal, Aniket Chakravorty) in Opening Opposition, and Joseph and Tleukhan (11th breaking: Joseph Lewis, Tleukhan) in Closing Government. The adjudication panel was chaired by Neta Kenneth Portal. Judging with them were Aliza Faber and Daan Welling.

The top speaker was Milos Marjanovic with an average of 83 speaker points. The top novice speakers were Marika Khuchua and Liam Urban, both averaging 78 speaker points.

Speaker awards:
1 . Milos Marjanovic: 83 avg speaks; 249 total speakss
2. Lucia Arce Cubas: 82 avg speaks: 246 total speaks
3. Hadar Goldberg: 80.67 avg speaks; 242 total speaks
3. Miriam Kalman: 80.67 avg speaks; 242 total speaks
3. Tin Puljic: 80.67 avg speaks; 242 total speaks
3. Matt Hankin: 80.67 avg speaks; 242 total speaks
7. Roel Becker: 80.33 avg speaks; 241 total speaks
8. Joseph Lewis: 80 avg speaks; 240 total speaks
9. Ron Leizrowice: 79.33 avg speaks; 238 total speaks
10. Simon Martina-Perez: 79 avg speaks; 237 total speaks
10. Nick Zervoudis: 79 avg speaks; 237 total speaks
10. Josh Freeman: 79 avg speaks; 237 total speaks
10. Han Yang: 79 avg speaks; 237 total speaks

Novice Speakers:
1. Marika Khuchua: 78 avg speaks; 234 total speaks
1. Liam Urban: 78 avg speaks; 234 total speaks
3. Olga Shevtsova: 77.67 avg speaks; 233 total speaks
3. Sebastien Dunne Fuller: 77.67 avg speaks; 233 total speaks
3. Deema Sous: 77.67 avg speaks; 233 total speaks
3. Gabrielle Fullam: 77.67 avg speaks; 233 total speaks
3. Sophia Wallo: 77.67 avg speaks; 233 total speaks
8. Chris Mentis Cravaris: 77.33 avg speaks; 232 total speaks
8. Olha Polishchuck: 77.33 avg speaks; 232 total speaks
8. Aniket Chakravorty: 77.33 avg speaks; 232 total speaks
8. Tleukhan: 77.33 avg speaks; 232 total speaks


R1: THW make voting mandatory

R2: THW not allow unvaccinated children to attend public school

R3: TH, as the EU, would withhold development aid from countries with poor women’s rights records, e.g. age of consent, laws around domestic violence or property laws

Final: For crimes with low prosecution and conviction rates (e.g. sexual assault, domestic violence or membership of criminal gangs), THW lower the burden of proof from “beyond reasonable doubt” to “on the balance of probabilities”

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