Team “Karasuno High” wins NTU Online Debate Open 2020

Datum: Jun 18th, 2020
Category: International, News of debating clubs, Turniere

The NTU Open Online 2020 was won by Karasuno High (Cavan Tay, Tan Yao Kun) in Opening Opposition speaking against NTU Sheng Siong (Darren, Rohan Kapur) in Opening Government, Bubbles (Vaishnavi Prasad, Nirmal Bhansali) in Closing Government, and NTU C Fairprice (Chaitu, Zhen Zhen) in Closing Opposition on the motion “THBT ASEAN should abandon the China-ASEAN South China Sea Code of Conduct negotiations.” The final panel was chaired by Ploopy. Judging with them were Amrit, Connor O’Brien, Hannah Hafidzal, and Vedika Kedia.

The Novice Champions were small brain (Joshua, Yi Xuan) debating in Opening Government. They spoke against Pocket Jacks (Dhruv Jaim, Saksham Sinha) in Opening Opposition, ACJC A (Eugene Lek, Yang Jian Wen) in Closing Government, and STBA-Pia (William, Hanto Intan) in Closing Opposition on the motion “THR the glorification of productivity.” Chairing the novice final was Viha. Judging with them were Hannah Hafidzal, Har Naveenjeet Singh, Kan Morita, and Nabil Hossain.

Top speaker was Vincentius Michael with an average of 81.75 speaks. The top novice speaker was Connor Akiyama with an average of 79 speaks.

The break:
1. eating all day (Joshua Tandiono, Vincentius Michael) – 12 pts
2. Karasuno High (Cavan Tay, Tan Yao Kun) – 10 pts
3. NTU Sheng Siong (Darren, Rohan Kapur) – 9 pts
4. California Gurls (Shaun Lee, Amy Lee) – 9 pts
5. Rooster Lads (Mingxuan Lin, Seah Pei Song) – 8 pts
6. we don’t debate (Amanda Liang, Reed) – 8 pts
7. 棺材舞蹈 (何玮晟 (Wilson), 潘觉闻 (Osel Pan)) – 8 pts
8. NTU C Fairprice (Chaitu, Zhen Zhen) – 8 pts
9. Bubbles (Vaishnavi Prasad, Nirmal Bhansali) – 8 pts
10. Grumpy Cats (Naomi Ma, Delia Kim) – 8 pts
11. subs (Steven Sy, Wisha Jamal) – 7 pts
12. E-Gadjah Mada (Farhan Zuhdi, Akbar Lubis) – 7 pts

Novice Break:
1. small brain (Joshua, Yi Xuan) – 6 pts
2. Pocket Jacks (Dhruv Jaim, Saksham Sinha) – 6 pts
3. STBA-PIA (William, Hanto Intan) – 4 pts
4. ACJC A (Eugene Lek, Yang Jian Wen) – 4 pts

Judge break:
Amrit, Connor O’Brien, Enting Lee, Farhan Musa, Hannah Hafidzal, Har Naveenjeet Singh, Houymean Lim, Kan Morita, Khalis Khalid, Nabil Hossain, Ploopy, Vedika Kedia, Viha

Top Speakers:
1. Vincentius Mchael, eating all day, 81.75 avg speaks
2. Rohan Kapur, NTU Sheng Siong, 79.75 avg speaks
3. Mingxuan Lin, Rooster Lads, 79.75 avg speaks
4. Reed, we don’t debate, 79.5 avg speaks
4. Seah Pei Song, Rooster Lads, 79.5 avg speaks
4. Cavan Tay, Karasuno High, 79.5 avg speaks
7. Joshua Tandiono, NTU C Fairprice, 79.25 avg speaks
8. Zhen Zhen, NTU C Fairpriice, 79 avg speaks
8. Connor Akiyama, Tufts, 79 avg speaks
8. RJ Lim, Slaves of Peralta, 79 avg speaks

Novice Speakers:
1. Connor Akiyama, Tufts, 79 avg speaks
2. Saksham Sinha, Pocket Jacks, 77.5 avg speaks
3. Amy Lee, California Gurls, 77 avg speaks
4. Delia Kim, Grumpy Cats 76.75 avg speaks
5. Eza QamarGCU, 76.5 avg speaks

The NTU Online Debate Open 2020 featured 36 participating teams. After 4 in-rounds, the four best teams moved directly to the semi-final while the remaining eight teams were seeded in a pre-semis round. The tournament was convened by Bala and Sam of the Nanyang Technology University Debate Squad. The CA team consisted of Connor O’Brien, Enting Lee, Amrit Agastia, and Vihasini Gopakumar. Tab is available here.


R1: TH, as the CCP, would publicly acknowledge their errors in their managing of COVID-19 & the creation of a pandemic, and agree to reasonable measures of assistance & compensation to the global community.

R2: Infoslide: A capital adequacy requirement is the amount of capital a bank or other financial institution needs to have, as required by its financial regulator. These requirements are put in place to ensure that these institutions do not take on excess debt and risk becoming insolvent

TH, in times of economic crisis, would ease bank capital adequacy requirements

R3: Infoslide: Lakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, fortune, power, luxury, beauty, fertility, and auspiciousness. She holds the promise of material fulfilment and contentment. She is described as restless, whimsical yet maternal

Kali is the Hindu goddess of death, time, and doomsday and is often associated with sexuality and violence. She is famously depicted as defeating and killing demons where other Gods could not.

THBT Indian feminist movement movements should adopt Lakshmi as a symbol of the movement rather than Kali

R4: THW allow “religious duty” as a mitigating defense for crimes

Pre-SF (Partial QF): Infoslide: Ideological purity, in this debate, refers to a strict adherence to the principles of the movement, without compromising or reaching across party lines.

Ideological purity policing refers to policing who and how people should participate in the movement(e.g. calling out allies who deviate from or criticize the movement, prescribing a single correct way of participating in the movement)

THR the rise of ideological purity policing

Novice F: THR the glorification of productivity

SF: Infoslide: The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) is an Indian political party, and is currently the ruling party of the National Capital Territory of Delhi Legislative State Assembly. They have only 1 seat in the Lok Sabha and 3 seats in the Rajya Sabha (the upper and lower house of the national congress) but are rising in popularity to varying degrees across India.
The AAP wants to reverse the way that the accountability of government operates and has taken an interpretation of the Gandhian concept of swaraj as a tenet. The swaraj model lays stress on self-governance, community building and decentralization of power from the centre (federal government).
The Indian National Congress is a centre-left political party who have historical roots in the formation of the Indian state. Under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi, Congress has become the principal leader of the Indian independence movement and have historically done well in elections and have been in government. Under the Gandhi family dynasty (not the same as Mahathma Gandhi), the party has been embroiled in corruption scandals, bank scams and high amounts of nepotism. As a result, the INC has been losing seats over time but still currently have 52 seats in the Lok Sabha and 46 in the Rajya Sabha

THBT it is in the interest of the Aam Aadmi Party to join in a coalition with the Indian National Congress before contesting in the next general election.

F: Infoslide: The China-ASEAN South China Sea Code of Conduct negotiations seek to manage inter-state relations within the South China Sea area and address disputes over territorial claims in the contested waters. The COC is based on a 2002 Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea signed by China and the 10 ASEAN States. Both ASEAN and China have agreed to complete the COC by 2022.

THBT ASEAN should abandon the China-ASEAN South China Sea Code of Conduct negotiations

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