Red Sea Open 2014

Datum: Mar 6th, 2014
Category: International, News of debating clubs, Termine, Turniere

From the 14th to the 18th of September 2014, the Red Sea Open 2014 (RSO) will once again take place in Eilat in the south of Israel. This tournament invites debaters to combine high-level debating with a relaxing holiday trip. In the last years, participants were accommodated in an all-inclusive hotel in vicinity of the beach.Red Sea Open 2014

Apart from that, the RSO features workshops offered by experienced debaters covering debate theory as well as various topics relevant to debating. The tournament itself will have 6 preliminary rounds, semi-finals and a final.

The Chief Adjudicator will be Anat Shapira from Israel, who was CA of the Paris Open 2012. The DCA known until now is 2009 World Champion Will Jones from Oxford, another DCA’s name has not yet been announced. Sivan Avitan from Israel will be ACA.

Costs for the tournament are 460 Shekels (95€) for non-Israeli teams, registration is not yet open.

All information can be found on the event page on facebook.


Update: Registration is open by now under for teams and under for judges. For more information, check the facebook page.

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  1. Lennart Lokstein says:


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