EUDC Manchester: Finalists and Champions

Datum: Aug 27th, 2013
Category: International, Turniere

EUDCOn thursday and friday the outrounds and the final of the European Universities Debating Championship (EUDC) took place in Manchester. Via Twitter and Facebook the results were announced already on Friday evening. Here is an overview of the motions and finalists.

English as a Foreign Language:

  • ESL Quarter-Finals: THBT men should consistently ‘call out’ and correct chauvinistic claims made by friends and coworkers
  • ESL Semi-Finals: THBT environmentalists should start a campaign of sabotage and property damage aimed at major polluting companies
  • ESL Final: THB the state should not fund works of art/ performance that average citizens would not recognize as having artistic merit

OG: Berlin A (Niels Schröter & Hauke Blume)

OO: Lund A (Emilia Carlqvist & Peer Klüßendorf)

CG: Groningen B (Stijn de Jong & Henk van Zuilen)

CO: Tel Aviv B: (Yael Bezalel & Tomer Shani)

The winner was Lund A. Best Speaker was Viktor Prlja.


  • Open Quarter Finals: THBT African countries should adopt English as the principal language of instruction in schools
  • Open Semi-Finals: TH regrets that the western media have demonised islamic terrorists, rather than portraying them as criminals with legitimate political grievances
  • Grand Final: THW give more votes to citizens according to their performance on a current affairs test.

OG: Edinburgh A (Marlena Valles & David McCreath)

OO: TCD Hist A (Sally Rooney & Michael Barton)

CG: Oxford A (Matt Handley & Tascha Rachmann)

CO: Cambridge A (Ashish Kumar & Anser Aftab)

The winner was Cambridge A. Best Speaker was Sally Rooney.

A great thanks to Manuel Adams who gathered all information here.

Click here to find the official tab.



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