Berlin Worlds: preliminary intermediate team results

Datum: Dec 31st, 2012
Category: International

A tab insight: Berlin Worlds’ tabmaster Jens Fischer gives some information we used to collect and tweet in the past – and usually we only had them in parts. You may find here a table that shows you the team results after the six open preliminaries.

Of course: The details about the individual speaker points are still under wraps. All teams that have accumulated the same number of team points are simply listed alphabetically. And the tension remains: there are three preliminary rounds to go today – and the judges will not give feedback nor team points.

The break will be announced tonight on the great Break Night and New Year’s party.

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1 Kommentare zu “Berlin Worlds: preliminary intermediate team results”

  1. Henrik says:

    Korrektur: Das Communications Office (Adams/Maedler) hat die Zwischenstandsinfos dem Tabmaster mühsam abgerungen … 😛

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