Hero of the Day: Iron Lady Emy

Datum: Dec 30th, 2012
Category: International

Last minute, indeed “no minute” preparation and no team partner by your side – that’s what Emy Finch had to go through when she was called upon as a swing speaker. In round one of WUDC, several teams were discovered missing only when debates were scheduled to begin. So more swing teams than planned were needed instantly – and the runners’ team took every WUDC volunteer they found. That’s how Emy became an iron swing and had to run to debate in the first round. Emy is a debater from King’s College in London who’s volunteering in documentation at the WUDC Berlin 2013. Our correspondent Anja Pfeffermann talked to her afterwards. 


Emy Finch from Kings College

Achte Minute: What was your team position as a so-called “iron man,” as a solo speaker?
Emy: First prop, I had to open the debate.

Achte Minute: Wooh, how did you come up with a case on the motion “This house would create public housing for the poor in wealthy areas” in just two minutes?
Emy: Well, I spoke about what they’ve recently been doing in London with housing benefits, so  I pretty much took that as my definition.

Achte Minute: How was cooperation with your team partner … uhm … yourself?
Emy: Oh, I was quite lucky: Actually, a debater from New Delhi showed up when I was half way through.

Achte Minute: You are here as a volunteer, not as a debater…
Emy: Yes. Previously, I was supposed to compete. But more than debating I’m rather interested in debaters – they’re interesting people, often so passionate about debating. Actually, I’m looking out for interviewees around here. I’m planning a film on passionate debaters and would like to follow them around until Chennai Worlds.

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1 Kommentare zu “Hero of the Day: Iron Lady Emy”

  1. Jörn(Bremen) says:

    Emy Finch – I’ve to note this name in case I’m going to make a second movie 😉

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