Vienna IV 2013

Datum: Aug 9th, 2012
Category: Termine, Turniere

Save the date: March 8 to 10! On these three days, the Vienna IV 2013 is going to take place. Vienna calling: Following that call are debaters from all over the international debating circuit. Debattierklub Wien (DKW) is awaiting 60 teams from all over the world in Austria’s capital.

This will be the third time in a row a Vienna IV is held, so we could start writing about a new tradition. Vienna waits its visitors regulary (!) with culinary specialties: You should definitely enjoy a glass of wine in a “beisl”, a locale plenty with Viennese characters (the author of this highly recommends a glas of Grüner Veltliner or three), or a “mélange” in a coffee house accompanied by “buchteln”, a sweet dough made of yeast (apart from the fact that the author’s mother makes the best “buchteln” in the world one may easily recommend the ones at Café Hawelka). DKW traditionally welcomes the participants with the legendary Viennese Schnitzel on Friday night.

The Viennese org comm have announced as their chief adjudicators Michael Shapira (Israel, ESL world’s champion), and Danique van Koppenhagen (3th best ESL speaker WUDC 2012).


  • Vienna IV 2013
  • March 8 to 10
  • BPS, English
  • CAs: Michael Shapira, Danique van Koppenhagen

Updates (by August 14, 2012):

  • Danique has now also become best speaker of EUDC 2012 in Belgrade – congrats!
  • Frederic Cowell is now on board the CA team.
  • More infos are available from the website

glx / apf

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3 Kommentare zu “Vienna IV 2013”

  1. Andreas says:

    Danke für die Werbung und die ausführliche Berichterstattung aus Belgrad! =)

    Zwei Ergänzungen: Frederick Cowell ist als dritter CA bestätigt!
    Danique ist nun auch beste Rednerin der EUDC 2012 ESL! 🙂

  2. Jakob says:

    Genau! Und der Link zu allen Infos lautet
    bitte ergänzen 🙂

  3. Andreas says:


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