EUDC 2012: Results after day 2 in Belgrade

Datum: Aug 8th, 2012
Category: Themen, Turniere

A little less hot in Belgrade, said the weather forecast. Only 31 degree Celsius, said the weather forecast. Must have felt like a fresh breeze after 40 degrees the day before. At least, today no one complained about the Serbian heat on Twitter. Rather, some obviously ate ice cream in between rounds for reasons of refreshment.

Apart from the weather, there’s more exciting news from the Serbian capital: Again, Willy Witthaut helped us gather the results for VDCH club – thank you! (Again, of some teams we only have the data after previous rounds. We’re trying to collect more data.)

Results after round 5

  • Gutenberg, Nicolas and Robert, 6 9 points
  • Gutenberg, Thore and Willy, 9 6
  • Tübingen, Konrad and Jonas, 6
  • Tübingen, Marie and Sophie, 5
  • Heidelberg Lucas and Jan, 4
  • Stuttgart, Andreas and Gregor, 7
  • BDU, Dessi and Juliane, 8
  • BDU, Hauke and Filip, 9
  • Münster, Theresa and Joost, 7
  • Münster, Fabian and Gautier, 5
  • Köln, Lukas and Leonhard, 9
  • Köln, Moritz and Elisabeth, 6

Results after round 6

Vienna’s Debattierklub (@DKWien) is tweeting regularly from Belgrade Euros – thanks to a very special technique as Henrik Maedler observed. Anyway, they also distributed their results via Twitter:

  • Vienna A, 9 points
  • Vienna B, 10
  • Vienna C, 6

From now on, it’ll be even more exciting because the following prelims (rounds 7 to 9) are so-called closed rounds, ie there will be no feedback for the teams. That is to keep the tournament exciting for those competing and those watching. And to keep it fair: So no one can arrange any kind of deals. Anyway, keep your fingers crossed for your favorite teams!

Motions so far

  1. This house believes that parents should not send their children to private school.
  2. This house believes that first nations people’s (e.g. aboriginals or native americans) who live in geographically distinct areas should be given complete autonomous self government.
  3. This house believes that the music industry should not facilitate the comebacks of artists who commit violent crimes.
  4. This house believes that the Mexican Government should remove all limits on law enforcement and the militar in the fight against organized crime.
  5. This house believes that the European Central Bank (ECB) should unconditionally buy significant amounts of government debt from struggling Eurozone countries.
  6. This house would limit the amount that can be spent by corporations in any one course of litigation.

Follow us on Twitter (Hashtag #EUDC), have a look into Facebook or scroll down our neighbours’ blog “SevenTwenty” and find the results of the Dutch teams. Or tune in to live streamed debates from all rounds – a cooperation of iDebate and Radio Mof.

The European Universities Debating Championship (EUDC or Euros) have been held annually since 1999. It was started in Rotterdam where 32 teams of two competed for the title. For the records: In Amsterdam, 192 teams competed for the very same title in 2010. Format has ever since been British Parliamentary Style (BPS), language of debate is English. Debaters from all over Europe and even as far away as Israel and Qatar take part in Euros and compete with each other in two categories: the open break (for native speakers) and “English as a Second Language” (ESL). Current champions are Ben Woolgar and Hugh Burns (Oxford), ESL champions are Sella and Omer Nevo, two brothers from Tel Aviv University. This year’s Euros will be held in Belgrade, Serbia, from 5 to 11 August. Chief adjudicator is Art Ward, his deputies are Manos Moschopoulos, Isabelle Loewe, Ben Woolgar, Filip Muki Dobranic and Stephen Boyle. During the Euros, the EUDC Council will sit and for instance decide about the host of next year’s championship.

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1 Kommentare zu “EUDC 2012: Results after day 2 in Belgrade”

  1. Witthaut says:

    The first 2 results are in the wrong order! Nic and Robert got 9p after round 5. Results of round 6 will be sent in a couple of minutes.

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