Berlin siegt beim Vienna IV 2012

Datum: Mar 15th, 2012
Category: Themen, Turniere

Berlin won the Vienna IV 2012!

The final:

  • Patrick Ehmann and John-Thomas Eltringham, Berlin A
  • Arielle Dundas and Tomas Beerthuis, Utrecht University
  • Lukas Haffert and Veronique Lorenz, Tilbury House B (Cologne)
  • Fabian Farkas and Lyuba Ilieva, Tilbury House East (Cologne)
  • Motion: “Given the technology of a full pregnancy in an incubator, this house would seek humanity to give up natural pregnancy.”
  • Judges: Isabelle Fischer, Maja Cimerman, Mark Manson, Michael Shapira, Leela Koenig, Danique van Koppenhagen, Tarit Mukherjee, Omer Nevo, Stefan Zweiker

Break to semis

Semi 1:

  • John-Thomas Eltringham and Patrick Ehmann, Berlin A, BDU, 16 points
  • Arielle Dundas and Tomas Beerthuis, Utrecht University, 14 points
  • Gregg Roman and Mika Kayt, RRIS A, 13 points
  • Michael Sutherland and Renee Yeh, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 12 points
  • Judges: Omer Nevo, Isabelle Fischer, Crt Podlogar, Milan Vignjevic, Rosie Halmi

Semi 2:

  • Gustaf Lundgren and Johan Bâge, Stockholm School of Economics A, 15 points
  • Lukas Haffert and Veroniqque Lorenz, Tilbury House B, 12 points
  • Ahmed Al Suwaidi and Oscar Avery, ULU, 14 points
  • Fabian Farkas and Lyuba Ilieva, Tilbury House East, 13 points
  • Judges: Tarit Mukherjee, Leela Koenig, Jocelyn Heng, Christoph Jäger, Leonhard Weese

Teams’ and judges’ break

Team tab

Speaker tab



  • Round 1: This house would introduce mandatory trips to Nazi concentration camps for Austrian elementary school students.
  • Round 2: This House supports the use of charity rather than state welfare systems.
  • Round 3: This House believes that Russia was justified in vetoing intervention in Syria.
  • Round 4: This House believes that Facebook is justified to censor any of its users’ content for any reason it sees fit.
  • Round 5: This House supports the appointment of technocratic governments in Eurozone countries suffering fiscal crisis.
  • Round 6: This house believes the Israeli Army should adopt a policy of shooting to kill their own comrades where they are likely to be captured.
  • Semis: This House believes that EU Countries should promote Christianity and not other religions.
  • Final: Given the ability to carry a full term pregnancy in an incubator. This house believes that humankind should seek to abolish natural pregnancy.
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