WUDC 2012: Interview with the runner-ups Dessislava Kirova and Juliane Mendelsohn

Datum: Jan 13th, 2012
Category: Themen

Female power straight on through to the final – Dessislava Kirova and Juliane Mendelsohn of Berlin Debating Union (BDU) are runner-ups to Omer and Sella Nevo from Israel who won the ESL final of the World University Debating Championships (WUDC or Worlds). Congrats from Achte Minute to all! The ladies gave Achte Minute an interview – please switch to the German page to read the full story or check back later for an English translation.

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2 Kommentare zu “WUDC 2012: Interview with the runner-ups Dessislava Kirova and Juliane Mendelsohn”

  1. Xenia says:

    Sehr schönes Interview 😉
    Ich habe mich sehr für euch gefreut!

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