First VDCH judge workshop 2011/2012 in Mainz
The Association of Debating Societies at Universities (VDCH) has announced the details on the first adjudication workshop in the current season 2011/2012. From February 4 to 5, judges with basic experience can deepen their analytical and feedback skill in the Rhineland-Palatinate capital Mainz. Trainers will be Andrea Gau (Mainz), Torsten Rössing (Halle), Pauline Leopold (Tübingen) and Lukas Haffert (Cologne). Both BPS and Open Parliamentary Debate (OPD)will be covered.
Reg fee is 15 Euros and registration is opened until January 15. To registrate, please contact VDCH vice-president Simeon Reusch via simeon [dot] reusch [at] vdch [dot] de. The number of spots is limited to 25.
xzy / tr