DSG’s new homepage after total make-over

Datum: Aug 31st, 2011
Category: Turniere

A face lift every now and then… well, it’s always welcome with elderly homepages. That is the case with the website of the Debating Society Germany (DSG). After the total make-over, you may now find everything nicely and well-arranged. Most striking is the logo of the British Embassy Berlin – since early July a strong supporter of English language debating from under the roof of DSG.Online resoures” leads you to a page full with useful debate-related links, directing you to the format of Worlds Schools Debating for instance. Or to an online debate database. Under “Regions” you will see where to find schools debating societies at schools – that’s mostly the south of Germany (both federal states of Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg), but also Berlin and Saxony. In case you may want to look up the results of recent Senior Leagues, go to the website and you may find for instance the results of this year’s season final where Max-Born-Gymnasium from Backnang defeated Burghardt-Gymnasium from Buchen while the motion read “This house approves oft he recent swing towards the Green Party“.

Browse DSG’s new homepage and find out about their Mission.


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