Registration of independent judges for Galway Euros
Wanting to go to the Galway Euros as an independent judge? Then remember to register for the European Universities Debating Championships (EUDC or Euros) until April 6. Write an e-mail to judges [at] galwayeudc2011 [dot] ie containing your contact details, a CV and any institution you have previously attended. Taking part at Galway Euros will cost you 265 Euros – the same the debaters pay for competing. More information on the registration as an independent judge is available from the Galway Euros homepage.
The European Universities Debating Championships (EUDC or Euros) have been held annually since 1999. It was started in Rotterdam where 32 teams of two competed for the title. For the records: In Amsterdam, 192 teams competed for the very same title in 2010. Format has ever since been British Parliamentary Style (BPS), language of debate is English. Debaters from all over Europe and Israel take part in Euros and compete with each other in two categories: the open break (for native speakers) and “English as a Second Language” (ESL). Current champions are Eoghan Casey and Patrick Rooney (Kings Inn), ESL champions are Maja Cimerman and Filip Dobranic from Ljubljana. This year’s Euros will be held in Galway, Ireland, from 7 to 13 August. Chief adjudicator is Ruth Faller (Ireland), her deputies are Shengwu Li (Singapore), Simone van Elk (The Netherlands), Steven Nolan (Ireland) and Yoni Cohen Idov (Israel). Isabelle Loewe from Debattierclub Bonn will be Equity Officer. During the Euros, the EUDC Council will sit and for instance decide about the host of next year’s championship. Currently, Belgrade (Serbia) and Leeds (Britain) are both bidding for staging the European Universities Debating Championships 2012.
apf / glx
Liebe Mitdebattanten und -debattierer: Nach der fulminanten Süddeutschen Meisterschaft mag man es kaum glauben – aber wir haben akuten Personalmangel und wir würden euch alle um einen Gefallen bitten!
Leider, leider ist unsere Jurorin für die EUDC in Galway abgesprungen. Das würde für uns bedeuten, dass wir den kompletten Betrag für den entfallenen Juror zahlen müssen (und wir wissen alle, dass es bei Studenten selten so rosig aussieht…) oder wir finden einen neuen. Der neue Juror muss auch nicht aus Tübingen kommen, sondern kann von irgendwoher kommen. Also: Hätte jemand von euch Lust für Tübingen einzuspringen??
Meldet euch bitte direkt bei mir: sarah [dot] l [dot] john [at] web [dot] de (und möglichst bis 20. April 2011)
Für den-/diejenige, der/die sich meldet, gibt es auch einen von mir gebackenen Lieblingskuchen beim nächsten Turnier – hoch und heilig versprochen!
Viele liebe Grüße,