VDCH’s recent members

Datum: Feb 21st, 2011
Category: VDCH

The Association of Debating Societies at Universities (VDCH) has now grown to 70 debating societies. The umbrella association represents debating societies in Germany, Austria, Italy and Switzerland. Jan Lüken, current president of VDCH, is proud to announce that just recently four new debating societies have become members of VDCH. These are AFA Wien, Debattierclub Zürich, DUEbattierclub Duisburg-Essen and Streitkultur Berlin.

Streitkultur Berlin is a kind of “branch” of Streitkultur Tübingen and as such an advocat for the format OPD (open parliamentary debate, a format widely spread in Germany). The executive board is formed by Christoph Krakowiak, Helen Leutloff and Julia Dragon. Members of Streitkultur Berlin have already been seen at tournaments such as the ZEIT DEBATTE Greifswald 2010.

AFA Wien, which stands for Akademisches Forum für Außenpolitik, or academic forum for foreign policy, features a debating society in Vienna as well as the organization of Austrian Model United Nations. President of the debating society is Nathaniel Heinritz. Members of the AFA have already been seen at ZEIT DEBATTE Wien 2010.

The most recent among the new members is DUEbattierclub, founded earlier this year. The executive board is made up of Paul Wypych, Philip Scharf, Markus Krümpel as well as Jörn Hahn, who had been vice-president of DebaDo Dortmund.

Last but not least there is a new debating society in Switzerland which is now member of VDCH: Debattierclub of the ETH Zürich. President of the Debattierclub is Maximilian Höranter. The debaters in the Swiss town may always rely on the expertise of Daniel Grotzky, an experienced debater from Munich who has been living in Zurich for quite some while now.

VDCH president Jan Lüken is delighted to welcome four new members under the umbrella of VDCH: “We’re very happy to see VDCH grow. There are now four VDCH societies in Austria and two in Switzerland. The capitals of both Austria and Germany even feature two debating societies each.”

Achte Minute is equally delighted and wishes the newly listed debating societies good luck for future events and tournaments.

A full list of all debating societies represented by VDCH can be found on the homepage of the umbrella association.

VDCH is the umbrella association of debating societies at universities in German speaking countries and regions in Central Europe. Now, VDCH represents 70 debating societies in Germany, Austria, Italy, Switzerland and the Netherlands. VDCH supports its members as well as initiatives to founding new societies and advocates the spread of debate in general. VDCH is also host of the largest and most important tournament series on the German speaking debating circuit, the renown ZEIT DEBATTEN series.

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