Nofretete is going to stay in Berlin – Second masters’ debate of BDU

Datum: Feb 15th, 2011
Category: News of debating clubs, Themen

Egyptian queen in the German capital – The motion of the second masters’ debate of Berlin Debating Union (BDU) was especially directed to a Berlin audience: “Who is owning Nefertiti? This house would give the bust of Nofretete back to Egypt!”

Georg Sommerfeld and Johannes Häger (Opening Government) talked about the rude and somehow illegal methods that were used to bring the bust to Germany in 1913. They also explained that Nefertiti is an important symbol for the Egyptian history and identity and so would belong to Cairo. Juliane Mendelsohn and Niels Schröter (Opening Opposition) disagreed. Nefertiti’s bust has been exhumed and made popular by German scientists, so Germany would also have the right of ownership. They underlined the impact of Nefertiti for the whole world and her contribution to a cultural exchange. Jonas Werner and Hien Do Thi Tam (Closing Government) embedded their arguments in the current political happenings and explained that the West could send a supporting signal to the protestors with the restitution. Dessislava Kirova and Hauke Blume (Closing Opposition) focused on the sciences: Nefertiti can be conserved and studied much better in Berlin than in Cairo, which creates an important contribution to Egyptology. Furthermore it is a good point that science is always being seen from different national perspectives.

After the open adjudication by Patrick Ehmann, John Eltringham and Matthias Winkelmann the following range came out as a result: first place for Juliane and Niels, second one for Jonas and Hien, third place for Georg and Johannes and fourth one for Dessi and Hauke. After the debate the debate was continued between the debaters and the audience with beer, wine and juice.

The next masters’ debate is probably going to take place in April 2011.

Dessislava Kirova / vro / apf

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