Royal Holloway Open 2011

Datum: Feb 2nd, 2011
Category: Termine, Turniere

Debating in the direct surroundings of Windsor Castle: This is possible at the Royal Holloway Open 2011 in Egham from 12 to 13 March 2011 – just an hour away by foot from Windsor Castle. The tournament – as the conveners promise on the Facebook website of the competition – is the only tournament in the UK that allows to time- and place-set the cases, which means plenty of debates in fictional universes and historic settings, for instance “Should Nixon have burnt the tapes?”.

Registration fees are 35 British Pounds for the first and 30 Pounds for any additional team, crash will be provided either on Saturday or Sunday.

CA is going to be Ben Woolgar (Worlds 2011 and Euros 2010 finalist and Top Ten Speaker, DCA of Belgrade’s EUDC bid for 2012), his deputies are Maria English (Worlds semi-finalist and English Mace winner) and Guy Miscampbell (Worlds octo-finalist, Oxford and Cambridge IV finalist).

You may register here: rhul [dot] iv [at] gmail [dot] com.

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