Makeover for Debattierclub Bayreuth’s website
The Debattierclub Bayreuth presents their new webpage – web admin Jana Deppe gave the old website a total makeover. Officially a workshop (Arbeitskreis) on European culture of debate, the debating society splits into two groups: the English speaking Debating Union (DU) and the German speaking Debattierclub (DC). You can visit both on the re-designed web pages. Moreover, the executive board introduce themselves: Maria Raßmann as the president of the Arbeitskreis, Patrick Held as the head of the DC and Sebastian Becker as the head of the DU. On top of that, you may browse the bloomers of past seasons’ debates which can be found under Themen and there you click on Stilblüten. Finally, you may read reports on past events where the Debattierclub Bayreuth took part. Check out the new website!
apf / glx
Das neue Logo und die Seite sind sehr schön geworden! Glückwunsch, Jana!
Die Stilblüten sind herrlich. Sowas wollte ich ja auch immer für unsere Homepage… Sehr cool!