New club champion in Stuttgart

Datum: Nov 4th, 2010
Category: News of debating clubs

Nils Haneklaus and Kai Nosbüsch are the new champions of Debattierclub Stuttgart (DCS)! They won the final at Internationales Zentrum in Vaihingen and defeated Isabel Spieth and Sven Hein. The motion read “This house would penalise blasphemy”, as is reported on the DCS website.

The DCS follows a sophisticated system to nominate the semi-finalists of their internal championship every semester. Debaters have to take part in the weekly debates regularly, either as speaker or as judge, and collect points. At the end of the semester, the club champion is to be found in a semi final and final held in the format of the Masters’ Cup. Last term’s winners were Michael Saliba and Andreas Lazar.

apf / glx

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2 Kommentare zu “New club champion in Stuttgart”

  1. Andi says:

    Nils Haneklaus und Kai Nosbüsch verstehen sich zwar gut, aber nicht so gut, dass sie den gleichen Vornamen angenommen haben 🙂 Nochmal herzlichen Glückwunsch an unsere neuen Vereinsmeister!

  2. Gudrun Lux says:

    Danke für den Hinweis, der Fehler wurde bereits korrigiert.

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