Streitkultur Cup 2010

Datum: Nov 2nd, 2010
Category: Termine, Turniere

Mixed teams of all kind are welcome at the Streitkultur Cup 2010. That comprises novices and experienced speakers, male and female debaters, and even debaters from different institutions. The most renowned open competition on the German speaking debating circuit will take place on 11 December in Tübingen and will be held in the format of OPD (open parliamentary debate, a format developed by the hosting society), hence teams of three may now register via vorstand[at]

Please let your host, the famous Streitkultur Tübingen, know how many teams your institution is going to send to the tournament. Registration fees are 10 Euros and a limited number of crash will be available, others will be asked to care for their own accommodation. There will be three preliminary rounds and the final which will be staged in the Alte Anatomie, an historic site in the anatomy faculty of Tübingen’s university. Same procedure as every year: Traditionally, there will be no desk and no note taking at Streitkultur Cup.

Anna Mattes, former president of Streitkultur Tübingen, promises the hardest break into the final round. In the past, the tournament has seen top teams. Tim Richter and Gudrun Lux (both Debattierclub Bonn) won the cup two times in a row, in 2008 together with Karsten Stölzgen, an old stager from Tübingen, and in 2009 together with Benedikt Nufer from Hamburg. Co-competitors of the teams both “Rheingold” (2008) and “Die Motten und das Licht” (2009) were renowned debater, too: At Streitkultur Cup 2008 „Rheingold“ defeated Marcel Giersdorf, Sarah Kempf and Lukas Haffert, in 2009 it was again Lukas Haffert together with Viola Lutz and Daniel Grotzky who were defeated. 

As a compulsory rule, at least one of the team mates of each team has to be a novice. As Anna from Tübingen is reported, the convenors rely on the participants’ honesty – and on their own knowledge of the German speaking debating circuit! Not a must is the rule to have both men and women on board of each team – this is allured to by a number of free drinks for those teams. The competition is part of Freie Debattierliga (FDL).

apf / sol

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