Third Ilmenau campus debate

Datum: Oct 21st, 2010
Category: News of debating clubs, Termine

The Wortkombinat Ilmenau will face professors from Ilmenau University of Technology in their third annual campus debate. Since the teacher fraction have won in the past two years, the speakers from Wortkombinat are determined to defeat them this year. Funny motions – decided upon by the audience – as well as free champagne allure to the public to come to Audimax on 2 November at 9 p.m. The debate will be held in Wartburg style, a special format developed in Thuringia named after the famous castle where Martin Luther translated the Bible into German.  Debating on the professors side will be Karlheinz Brandenburg, director of the faculty of Elektronische Medientechnik and director of  Fraunhofer Institute of Digitale Medientechnologie, Wolfgang Schweiger, director of Public Relations & Technikkommunikation and Jeffrey Wimmer, assistant professor of the faculty of Virtuelle Welten / Digitale Spiele.

apf / glx


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